Born: September 16, 1939, Riga
- Mechanics of Composite Materials
- Long-Term Properties of Materials
- Durability of Structures
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Civil Engineering), 1962
- Dr.sc.ing.(Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1973
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Institute of Polymer Mechanics, University
of Latvia, 1998
- Researcher and Senior Researcher, Institute of Polymer Mechanics, 1963-1979
- Head, Laboratory of Long-Term Deformational Properties, Institute of Polymer Mechanics,
- Director, Institute of Polymer Mechanics, 1993 -
- Chairman, Division of the Physical and Technical Sciences, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
2004 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Second Award, 1984
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Editorial Board for Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1989 -
- Member, (Chairman, 2000 - 2002, Vice-Chairman, 2003 - ), Latvian
Council of Science , 1996-
- Member (Chairman, 2003 - ), Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission for Mechanics,
Machine Engineering and Energetics, 1996-
Recent/Representative Publications
- N.Aniskevich, Yu. O.Yanson, N. I.Aniskevich. Creep of epoxy binder in a humid
atmosphere. - Mechanics of Composite Materials (N.Y.), 1992, vol.28, N1, pp.12 -
- K.Aniskevich, J. O.Jansons. Deformation properties of polymeric composite
materials during thermal aging. - Mechanics of Composite Materials (N. Y.), 1993,
vol. 29, N 5, pp. 452 - 457.
- K.Aniskevich, J.Jansons. Elastic properties, strength and long-term durability of
aramid fibres reinforced plastics. In: Seminar on Fiber Composites as Nonmetallic
Reinforcement in Concrete, March 15-16,1993,Goteborg (Sweden). - Goteborg: Chalmers
Univ. of Technology, Work No. 539, Publ. P-93:3, pp. 134 - 139.
- K.Aniskevich, Yu. O. Yanson. Change in the viscoelastic properties of an
organic-fibre-reinforced plastic during loading. - Mechanics of Composite Materials
(N.Y.), 1994, vol. 30, N 1, pp. 84 -89.
- A.Aniskevich, K.Aniskevich, J.Jansons, A.Malmeisters. Environmental effects in
prediction of long-term deformation and strength of polymer materials. Progress in
Advanced Materials and Mechanics . Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced
Materials. August 12-15, Beijing, China. Peking University Press, Beijing, China,
1996. pp. 1180-1185.
- A.N.Aniskevich, J. O. Jansons. Creep processes of aramide composite and its
components in moisture environment. - Extended Abstracts of V Int. Symp. on Creep and
Coupled Processes (C&CP95), Bialostok/Bialowieza, Poland, Sept.
28-30, 1995.
- A.Aniskevich, K.Aniskevich, J.Jansons, A.Malmeisters. Prediction of long-term
deformation and strength of polymer materials. - Int. Conf. on Progress in Durability
Analysis of Composite Systems. Brussels, July 16-21, 1995
- R.D.Maksimov, L.Jirgens, J.Jansons, E.Plume. Mechanical properties of polyether
polymer-concrete. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1999, vol. 35, N 2,
- J.O.Jansons, K.Glejobl, J.Rytter, A.N.Aniskevich, A.K.Arnautov, V.L.Kulakov. Effect of
water absorption, elevated temperatures and fatigue on the mechanical properties of
carbon-fiber reinforced epoxy composites for flexible risers. Mechanics of
Composite Materials (N.Y.), 2002, vol.38, No 4, pp.299-310.
- Aniskevich A., Jansons J., and Plushchik O. Moisture sorption and its effect on
mechanical properties of polymer materials. In: Water Transport in Synthetic
Polymers (Ed. A. L. Iordanskii, O. V. Startsev, and G. V. Zaikov) Nova Science
Publishers, 2003. ISBN: 1590338863.
- Aniskevich K., Hristova J., and Jansons J. Physical aging of polymer concrete
during creep. Applied Polymer Science, 2003, vol. 89, Iss. 13, pp. 3427-
- Aniskevich K., Hristova J., and Jansons J. Sorption characteristics of polymer
concrete during long-term exposure to water. Mechanics of Composite Materials,
2003, vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 305-314.
- Aniskevich K., Glaskova T., and Jansons J. Elastic and sorption characteristics
of epoxy binder in a composite during its moistening. Mechanics of Composite
Materials, 2005, vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 341-350.
- Korkhov V.P., Faitelson Ye.A., Glaskova T.I., and Jansons Yu.O. Influence of
moisture on the structure and properties of the interphase layer of a composite based on
an epoxy binder. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2005, vol. 41,
No. 4, pp. 365-370.
- Maksimov R.D., Plume E.Z., and Jansons J.O. Comparative studies on the mechanical
properties of a thermoset polymer in tension and compression. -Mechanics of Composite
Materials, 2005, vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 425-436.
Research Projects
- J.Jansons (Head of Project). Stability of Long-Term Operational Properties - Methods of
Production. Latvian Council of Science (1997- )
- J.Jansons (Head of Latvian Part of Project) JOU2-CT93-0277. Advanced Flexible Composite
Rotor for Large Wind Turbines. European Commission (1995 - 1997).
- J.Jansons (Head of Project). Improvement of
Experimental Methods and Techniques for Mechanics of Composite Materials in IPM. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 -2004)
- J.Jansons (Head of Project). Multicomponent Polymer
MaterialsInvestigation and Elaboration of Prediction Methods for Long-Term
Thermo-Viscoelastic Properties. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 - 2004)
- J.Jansons (Head of Project). Long-term Properties of Composite Materials
and Prediction Methods for Them. Latvian Council of
Science (2005 - )
- J.Jansons (Head of Project). Investigation of Deformational and Strength
Properties of Nonelastic Matrix Nanocomposites . Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - )
Last update 21.04.2008