Dr.habil.sc.ing. Janis GRABIS
Director, Head of Plasma Process Laboratory
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Riga Technical UniversityMiera iela 34
Salaspils, LV-2169
Phone: +371 67944711
Fax: +371 67800779
e-mail: grabis@nki.lv |
Born: August 18, 1943, Trikata, Latvia
- Plasma chemistry and technology
- Synthesis, characterization and application of nanosize powders of refractory compounds
and their composites
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, 1969
- Dr.sc.ing.(Candidate of Sciences, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of Problems of
Materials Science, Kiev, Ukraine, 1974
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Riga Technical University, 1999.
- Engineer and Researcher, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Senior Researcher, 1975-1986
- Head of Plasma Process Laboratory, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, 1986-
- Visiting Researcher, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University, 1993-1994
- Director and Chairman of the Scientific Council, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Riga
Technical University, 1997-
Honours and Awards
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2003
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1978, 1986
- The Latvian State Prize, 1980
Professional Activities and Membership
- Member, the Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission for Expert Committee for
Scientific principles of technology: materials, chemistry, pharmacy , 1993-2006
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 1993- 2006
- Chairman, Latvian Council of Science Committee for Classification of Science, 1993-2007
- Member, Senate of Riga Technical University
- Member, Board of Material Research Society, 1998-
- Plasma chemical synthesis of ultrafine powders of refractory compounds and their
application. Risų National Laboratory, Denmark, October, 1992
- Nanosize powders produced by plasma technique. Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
University, May, 1993
- Nanosize powders of refractory compounds and their composites. EC Project Meeting
NANOMAT, Bologna, January 2000
- Development of Nanotechnology for Advanced Materials. Conseil General du CRIF-WTCM
2005 - 20 mai 2005, Brussels.
- Plasma chemical technique of refractory compounds, Riga Technical University, 1974,
1983, 1995, 2004, 2006
Recent Publications
- A.Kuzjukevics, S. Linderoth, J. Grabis. Characterization of plasma-produced YSZ powders.
- Solid State Jonics, 1996, vol. 92, pp. 253-260.
- J. Grabis, I. Steins, D. Rasmane, G. Heidemane. Nanosize YSZ-NiO powder produced by ICP
technique. - J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 1997, vol. 17, pp. 1437-1442.
- J. Grabis. Nanosize nitride-based powders prepared by the plasma technique.- DAAAM
Proceedings of 1st Int. conf., Tallinn Technical University, 1997, pp.
- I.Zalite, M. Herrmann, J. Grabis. Materials on the basis of finely dispersed Si3N4
powders. - Euro Ceramic V, part 2, Key Engineering Materials, 1997, V. 132-136, pp.
- J. Grabis, A. Kuzjukevics, D. Rasmane, M. Morgensen, S. Linderoth. Preparation of
nanocrystalline YSZ powders by plasma technique. - J. Mater. Sci., 1998, vol. 33,
pp. 723-728.
- J. Grabis, I. Steins, A. Krumina. Preparation and characteristics of YSZ-(Ni, Mg)O
nanosize powders. - Materials Science, Kaunas, Technologija, 1999, vol. 2, pp.
- J.Grabis, I.Zalite, M.Herrmann, N.Zhilinskaya, T.Millers. finely dispersed Si3N4-SiC
powders and materials on their basis. - 8th International Baltic Conf. "Materials
Engineering'99", Kaunas: Technologija, 1999, pp. 28-33.
- I.Vitina, I.Zalite, V.Belmane, J.Grabis, V.Rubene, O.Kovalova, Nanodispersed refractory
compounds in the electrodeposited metal coatings. - In: Nanostructured Films and
Coatings (Ed. G.-M.Chow, I.Ovid'ko and T.Tsakalakos), NATO Science Series, vol. 78
High Technology (2000)- Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 103-111.
- J.Grabis, I.Steins, Dz.Rasmane. Plasma chemical synthesis of nanosize powder in the
system MgO-Al2O3 . - 7th European Conf. on Advanced
Materials and Process, Rimini. Italy, 10-14 June 2001.
- J.Grabis, Dz.Jankovica. Preparation of Si3N4/SiC based
nanocomposites. - European Congress and Exibition on Powder Metallurgy, PM 2001,
Nice, France, 22-24 Oct. 2001.
- N.Zhilinska, J.Grabis, I.Zalite, G.Korb, G.Kladler. Manufacture of silicon nitride
ceramics from nanosized particulate composites. - Materials Science, 2002, vol.
8, N 4, pp. 448-450.
- N. Zhilinska, I. Zalite, J. Grabis, G. Kladler. Manufacture
of high temperature construction materials on the basis of nanodisperse silicon nitride. -
Space and Aerospace Materials Technology, 2002, pp. 17-21.
- J. Grabis, Dz. Jankovica, M. Berzins, L. Chera. -
Preparation of silicon carbide/nitride particulate nanocomposites with oxides or nitrides.
- Interfacial Effects and Novel Nanomaterials, Wiley-VCH, 2003, pp. 151-157.
- N. Zhilinska, I .Zalite, J. Grabis, G. Kladler. Manufacture
of high temperature construction materials on the basis of nanodisperse silicon nitride.
- Materialwissenschaft and Werstofftechnik, 2003, vol. 34, N 4, pp.
- N. Zhilinska, I .Zalite, J. Grabis, J.Rodriguiez,
D.Martinez. Sintering of nanosized powders on the basis of silicon nitride in a solar
furnace. - Research Results at Platforma Solar de Almeria, Serie Ponencias, The
improving human potential programme, PSA, Ciemat, Almaria, 2003, pp. 95-100.. Manufacture
of high temperature construction materials on the basis of nanodisperse silicon nitride.
- Materialwissenschaft and Werstofftechnik, 2003, vol. 34, N 4, pp.
- J.Grabis. Nanosized powders of refractorey compounds
produced by ICP technique. - Latvian J. Chem., 2003, N 4, pp. 316-326.
- J. Grabis, Dz. Jankovica, M. Berzins, L. Chera. - Coating
of Plasma-Processed Nanosized Powders. - J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. , 2004, vol. 24,
pp. 179-184
- Grabis, J., Zalite, I. Preparation of Ti(N,C) based nanosized powders and their
densification. - Materials Science, 2005, vol. 11, no 4, pp. 372-375.
- A. Orlov, J. Grabis, A. Krumina, Dz. Ramane, Dz.
Jankovica, G. Heidemane. Li-containing oxide nanopowders prepared by plasma chemical
synthesis.- Materials Science, vol. 11, No 4, pp. 381-384, 2005.
- Yu. Gelgaft, M. Skopis, J. Grabis. Electromagnetically driver vortex flow to introduce
small solid particles into liquid particles. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 2005. v. 41,
No 3, 249-254
- J. Grabis, I. Steins, Dz. Jankovica, A. Dulmanis, G.
Heidemane. Preparation of nanosized powder by gas and liquid phase routes. - Latv. J.
Phys. Techn. Sci., 2006, 2, part 1, pp.36-43.
- Orlov A., Heidemane G., Grabis J. and Jankovica D.
Synthesis of lithium silicate powders by plasma chemical method - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2006,
2, part 1, pp.44-50
- Grabis J. Preparation of nanosized powders of refractory compounds and their composites
by plasma techniques. - Int. Journal of MPT, special issue "Progress in Powders
Materials and Technologies" , 2007, pp. 252-269.
Research Projects
- J. Grabis (Head of Project). Formational Regularities of Ultrafine Composite Powders and
Thin Layers in the Low Temperature Plasma. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993)
- J. Grabis (Head of Project). Plasma Chemical Technology of Solid Oxide Electrolytes. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996)
- J. Grabis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). New SOFC materials and Technology. European
Commission, JOULE-2-CT92 (1994-1995)
- J.Grabis (Head of the Sub-Project). Intelligent Materials and Structures in
Microelectronics and Photonics . Joint Project of the Latvian Council of Science(
2001- 2004 ).
- J.Grabis (Head of Project). Synthesis of Nanosized Multicomponent Oxide Powders and
Their Processing. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
- J. Grabis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Transnanopowder. EC (2001-2003)
- Synthesis of nanosized multicomponent oxide powders and their processing. Latvian
Council of Science (2005-2007)
- Preparation technology of nanosized ferrites and lithium-manganese powders ( Joint
project). Latvian Council of Science (2005-2007)
- Innovative structurally integrated composite materials: design, technology of production
and processing, longevity. Latvian Council of Science (2006-2007)
- National research programme Development of Advanced Functional
Materials for Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics, Photonics, Biomedicine and Special
Composites and Coresponding Techhnologie Elaboration Project No. 5.
Development of technogies for design of nanostructured materials, nanoparticles and
thin films.
Last update 09.01.2008