Professor Rasma GARLEJA
Faculty of Economics and Management
University of Latvia Aspazijas bulv. 5, Riga, LV 1050,
Tel.: +371 67034615, +371 67334180
Fax: +371 67034614 |
Born: 1936, Rujiena, Latvia
- Pedagogic Problems of Higher Education.
- Optimisation of Curricula for Teaching in High School
- Human Management in Economics and Business Market.
My main interest has been in the theories and practical investigations
in the branch of pedagogic problems of higher education. The key variables that were
studied include input and total output in theoretical, methodological and methodical
problems of the high school pedagogy. Results obtained, as a logical consequence of
original investigations, include new scientific ideas such as integration pedagogy and
psychology, social psychology, behaviour in economics, communication sciences. The aim of
my research is to develop creative abilities in a changing society. Learning means
development and change. There are many aspects in the relations between change strategy
and educational content.
In methodological aspects, the object of my investigation is the
optimisation of curricula for teaching in high school by integration of the demands of
academic education and professional qualifications.
I have also carried out investigations in behavioural sciences for
human resources management in economics and business market. I am interested in the
relationship between culture and organisational success.
The humanitarisation of economical education should be a way out of the
situation in the business market. Psychology should establish new relations among personal
capacity and study content.
Keywords: didactic task; teaching content and structure; consumes
behaviour; vocational, methodological and social competence; business public relations;
strategy of cognitivity.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian.
- Master of Science in economics, Plekhanov Institute of National Economy, Moscow, 1968
- Dr. oec. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Latvian Academy of Agriculture, 1974
- Dr.habil. paed. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR system), Leningrad University, 1989
University of Latvia
- Senior Lecturer,1981-1987
- Associate Professor, 1987-1995
- Vice-Dean, Faculty of Economics, 1990-1994
- Chair, Consumer and Management Behaviour, 1994 - 1997
- Professor, 1990-
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Philosophy, Sociology,
Psychology and Pedagogics, 2000 -
University of Latvia -
- Psychology in Economics and Business
- Social Psychology
- Behavioural Sciences for Managers and Organisations
- Consumes Behaviour and Communication
- Personal Psychology
- Economics of Higher Education
- Socialisation of Personality
Recent/Representative Publications
- R.Garleja. Investigation of subject - teaching methods and elaboration of new approaches
in pedagogy in order to evaluate these methods.- Moscow, 1985, 266 pp. (in Russian).
- R.Garleja. Higher education in Latvia: a humanitarian aspect. - Abstr. Network
Educational Science, Amsterdam, Triannual Network Conference "Education in Europe. An
Intercultural Task", Budapest, September 15-19, 1993, Waxmann Münster/New York, pp.
- R.Garleja. Education as process and result in the educational system of Latvia. - Higher
Education Research Institute: Stockholm, 1994.
- R.Garleja. Links between pedagogy and socio-economic sciences in education. -
Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia., Riga, 1999, N 2. pp. 137-145.
- R.Garleja. Psychological Behaviouristic in Economics. - Riga: RAKA, 2000, 264 pp. (in
- R. Garleja . The need of psychological education for solving situation problems in
companies. - Abstr. 18th International Conference 'Sustainable Development
Through Research and Learning' , September 19 - 25, 2001, Vienna, Krems, Austria; pp.
9 - 25.
- R.Garleja. Choise of the most appropriate individual learning style. - Proc. Int.
Conf. "Scientific achievments for wellbeing and development of society", Rezekne:
Rezeknes augstskola, 2004, p. 21-27.
- R.Garleja. Determining an Individual Cognitive Style in the Study Process. - Humanties
and Social Sciences.Latvia: Education management in Latvia. - 2(42) 2004,
vol. 2, N 42, pp. 82-89.
The aim of intellectual serving is to develop a personality with ideals reflecting the
idea of world holistic perspective. (R.Garleja).
Last update 28.11.2005