Professor Janis GARDOVSKIS
Rector, Head of the Department of Surgery
Riga Stradins UniversityDzirciema iela 16
Riga, LV 1007
Phone: +371 67069545
Fax: +371 67069545
E-mail: rector@rsu.lv |
Born: May 11, 1955
General Surgery
Video Surgery
Theoretical Surgery
Endocrine Surgery
Hereditary Cancer
Languages: English, German, Latvian, Russian
Dr. habil. med., Medical Academy of Latvia, 1994
Thesis: Gastric cancer (surgical treatment, reconstruction,
prognostic factors).
Postgraduate studies:
Department of Surgery, Duesseldorf University, Germany, 1988/89, 1993 - Surgery of
gastric cancer.
Department of Surgery, Robert Bosch Hospital, Stuttgart, Germany, 1992 Laparoscopic
Riga Stradins University (Medical Academy of Latvia):
Department of Surgery,
Clinical Intern, 1979-1981
Assistant, 1981-1988
Associate Professor, 1988-1995
Professor and Chair, 1995 -
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Surgeons Association
- Member, European Association of Acute Abdominal Pain, 1997
Recent/Representative Publications
- J. Gardovskis, et.al. Prognostic factors in patients with radically resected gastric
cancer. - British Journal of Surgery, vol. 81, Suppl.1, October 1994.
- J.Gardovskis, M.Liepins, V.Krumins. The first experience in laparoscopic surgery. - Endoscopy,
1994, N 4, p. 446.
- J.Gardovskis, O.Horstmann, C.Ohmann, P.R.Verreet, Q.Yans, R.Wlasak, N.Boeesing,
F.Borshard, H.-D.Roeher. Prognostische Faktoren beim Kurativ resezierten Magenkarzinom. - Langenbecks
Arch Chir.,1995, p. 380.
- J.Gardovskis, R.Ribenieks, M.Liepins, J.Strods, V.Krumins. Method of treatment of
calculous cholecystitis complicated with choledocholithiasis. - British Journal of
Surgery, 1996, vol. 83, Suppl. 2, p. 93.
- J.Gardovskis, A.Martinsons, Z.Narbuts. Laparoscopy as method of choice for differential
diagnostics and treatment in case of acute abdominal pain on reproductive female patients.
- Surgical Endoscopy, 1998, vol. 12, N 5, p. 668.
- J.Gardovskis, G.Ambalovs, A.Martinsons, Z.Narbuts. The importance of intraoperative
endoscopy during laparoscopic cardiomyotomy in treatment of achalasia. - Surgical
Endoscopy, 1998, vol. 12, N 5, p. 729.
- J.Gardovskis, A.Martinsons, Z.Narbuts. Laparoscopy for differential diagnostics of acute
abdominal pain on female patients. - Digestion, 1998, vol.59, suppl. 3, p. 52.
- J.Gardovskis, G.Ambalovs, J.Pokrotnieks. Tactics of the treatment of iatrogenic
perforation of esophagus. - Can. J. Gastroenterol., 1998, vol. 12, suppl. B, p.
- J.Gardovskis, G.Ambalovs, J.Pokrotnieks. Importance of intraoperative endoscopy during
laparoscopic cardiomyotomy in treatment of achalasia. - Can. J. Gastroenterol.,
1998, vol 12, suppl. B, p. 131 B.
- J.Gardovskis, A.Martinsons, Z.Narbuts. Effectiveness of laparoscopy in case of acute
lower abdominal pain in female patients. - Br. J. Surgery, 1998, vol. 85, suppl. 2,
p. 115.
- M.Pavars, A.Irmejs, U.Maurins, Z.Narbuts, J.Gardovskis. Laparoscopic treatment of severe
acute pancreatitis. - Proc. Eurosurgery, 2000, pp.299-302.
- G.Ambalovs, J.Pokrotnieks, J.Gardovskis. Importance of intraoperative
esophagoscopy during laparoscopic cardiomiotomy in surgical treatment of achalasia. - 7th
World Congr. of Endoscopic Surgery, 2000, pp. 119-123.
- M. Pavars, A. Irmejs, U. Maurins, J. Gardovskis. Possibilities of procalcitonin
(PCT) test and laparoscopy in diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis. - 4th
Congress of European Chapter of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary
Association. Monduzzi Editore, 2001, pp. 235 238
- A. Irmejs, A. Gardovskis, J. Gardovskis. Incidence of hereditary nonpolyposis
colorectal cancer (HNPCC) in Latvia. - International Journal of Surgical Sciences,
2002; 8 SUPPL. 1: 124 127
- V.Lietuvietis, M.Jakubovskis, M.Sperga, A.Strazdina, L.Engele, J.Gardovskis. The
Significance of Transrectal Ultrasonography, Digital Rectal Examination and Detection of
Prostate-specific Antigen Fraction in Diagnostics in of Prostate Cancer. - Acta
Chirurgica Latviensis, 2004, N 4, pp.77-81.
- /Monograph/ A.Martinsons, J.Gardovskis. Akuts apendicits. Slimibas etiopatogenetiskie,
morfologiskie, diferencialdiagnostiskie un arstnieciskie aspekti
(Acute Appendicitis) , 2004, 267
pp., ISBN 9984-19-572-4. (in Latvian).
- A. Irmejs, E. Miklasevics, V. Boroschenko, A. Gardovskis, A. Vanags, I. Melbarde
Gorkusa, M. Bitina, J. Suchy, J. Gardovskis. Pilot study on the moderate penetrance
breast and colorectal cancer predisposition markers in Latvia. - Acta Chirurgica
Latviensis, 2005, N 5, pp. 3-5.
- V.Boroenko, A.Irmejs, A.Gardovskis, E.Miklasevics,
A.Vanags, M.Bitina, J.Gardovskis. Hereditary Colorectal cancer(CRC) and Update on
New CRC Predisposition Markers. - Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 2005, N 5,
- A. Gardovskis, A.Irmejs, E.Miklasevics, V.Borosenko, M.Bitina, I.Melbarde-Gorkusa,
A.Vanags, G. Kurzawski, J.Suchy, B.Gorski, J.Gardovskis. Clinical, molecular and
geographical features of hereditary breast ovarian cancer in Latvia. - Hereditary
Cancer in Clinical Practice, 2005, vol. 3, N 2, pp.71-76.
- A. Irmejs, A. Gardovskis, E. Miklasevics, V. Borosenko, M.
Bitina, I. Melbarde-Gorkusa, A. Vanags, G. Kurzawski, J. Suchy, B. Górski, J.
Gardovskis. Pilot study on low penetrances breast and colorectal cancer predisposition
markers in Latvia. - Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 2006, vol. 4, N 1,
pp. 48-51.
- A. Irmejs, V. Borosenko, I. Melbarde-Gorkusa,.
AGardovskis, M. Bitina, G. Kurzawski, J. Suchy, B. Górski, J. Gardovskis.
Nationwide study of clinicaland molecular features of hereditary nonpolyposis
colorectal cancer (HNPCC) in Latvia. - Anticancer Research, 2007, vol.27, pp.
- A.Martinsons, Z.Narbuts, I.Brunenieks, M.Pavars, S.Lebedkovs, J.Gardovskis. A comparison
of quality of life and postoperative results from combined PPH and conventional
haemorrhoidectomy in different cases of haemorrhoidal disease. - Colorectal Disease,
2007, vol. 9, N 5, p. 423-429.
Research Projects:
J.Gardovskis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Computer Technologies in Diagnostic of
Acute Abdominal Pain. Copernicus Euro-AAP (1996-1998).
J.Gardovskis (Head of Project). Laparoscopic Diagnostic and Treatment of Lower Acute
Abdominal Pain at Fertile Age Female. Latvian Council of Science (1997-1999).
J.Gardovskis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Multicenter Project on
Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in MENI and HNPCC. EU Copernicus (1998-2001).
J.Gardovskis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Development of Network of Cancer Family
Syndrome Registries in Eastern Europe. EU 5th Framework Project QLRT-1999-00063
J.Gardovskis (Head of Project). Phenotype-Gnotype Characteristics of Hereditary Breast
Cancer and Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer in Latvia. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 - 2004).
J.Gardovskis (Head of Project). Clinical and Molecular Features of Hereditary Breast -
Ovarian Cancer in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 24.02.2008