Professor, Dr.habil.med.
Dace Gardovska
Head of the Department of Paediatrics,
Riga Stradins University
Head, Clinic of Paediatrics,
Children University Hospital.
Dzirciema iela 16
Riga, LV 1007
Phone: +371 67621730
Fax: +371 67621730
E-mail: dace.gardovska@rsu.lv |
Born: December 30, 1952
- main field: paediatrics, paediatric infectious diseases
- other fields
: immmunology,medical education
Current research interests: severe infections in children,
SIRS, sepsis.
Languages: Latvian, Russian , English
- Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of paediatrics, physician – paediatrician, 1977
- Riga Medical Institute, postgraduate clinical studies in pediatric intensive care, 1979
- Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of I. Sechenov, Leningrad,
postgraduate doctoral studies,1982
Dr med. (thesis „Reactivity of brain circulation in children”), 1983
Dr. habil. med.(thesis „Immunodeficiency in children in Latvia”), 1996
- Head/professor, Department of Paediatrics, Riga Stradins University ; Head, Clinic of
Paediatrics, Children University Hospital, 1998 – present
- Dean, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Riga Stradins University, 1997 – 2004
- Head, Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Medical Academy of Latvia; Head,
Clinic of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Children University Hospital, 1992 – 1998
- Associate professor, Pediatric Department, Riga Medical Institute, 1986 –1992
- Assistant professor, Pediatric Department, Riga Medical Institute, 1979 – 1986
Professional certificates:
- paediatrics
- paaediatric infectious diseases
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of the Chapter of Orders
- President, Society for Specialized Paediatrics of Latvia.
- President, Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases of Latvia.
- Member of Promotion Board (Internal Medicine), Riga Stradins University
- Member of the National Committee for Poliomyelitis Eradication,
- Member of the State Immunization Committee
- Physician Society of Latvia, Member of the Board
- Member of ESPID
Recent/Representative Publications
- Pavare J, Grope I, Gardovska D. Prevalence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome
(SIRS) in hospitalized children: a point prevalence study. - BMC Pediatr., 2009
Apr 3;9:25. PubMed PMID: 19344519; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2670291.
- J.Pavare, I. Grope, L.Eihvalde, D. Gardovska. Diagnostic markers for sepsis
identification in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS): a
prospective study. - The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, 2009, vol. 3,
pp.1-7 (Bentham Science Publishers).
- E. Kviesis-Kipge, E. Curkste, J. Spigulis and D. Gardovska. Optical Studies of the
Capillary Refill Kinetics in Fingertips. - In: O. Dossel and W.C. Schlegel (Eds.): WC
2009, IFMBE Proceedings 25/VII, 2009, pp. 377–379. www.springerlink.com
- Jana Pavare, Ilze Grope, Imants Kalnins, and Dace Gardovska. Diagnostic markers for
early sepsis diagnosis in children with systemic inflammatory response syndrome. - Proc.
Latv. Acad. Sci., . Section B, 2009, Vol. 63, No. 4/5 (663/664), pp.
- Rimoin AW, Walker CL, Chitale RA, Hamza HS, Vince A, Gardovska D, da Cunha AL, Qazi S,
Steinhoff MC. Variation in clinical presentation of childhood group A streptococcal
pharyngitis in four countries. - J Trop Pediatr., 2008 Oct, vol. 54(5),
pp.308-312. Epub 2008 Mar 29. PMID: 18375971 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE].
- Simanis R, Lejniece S, Sochnevs A, Eglite J, Chernevska G, Kovalova Z, Gardovska D,
Jeruma A, Kuse V, Viksna L. Natural clearance of hepatitis C virus in hemophilia
patients.- Medicina (Kaunas). 2008, vol. 44(1), pp.15-21. PMID: 18277084 [PubMed
- indexed for MEDLINE].
- V. Stanevicha, D. Zavadska, I. Eglite, A. Sochnevs, R. Shantere, D. Gardovska. HLA class
II DR and DQ genotypes and haplotypes associated with homogeneous rheumatic heart disease
in children in Latvia. - Collection of Scientific Papers 2007, publicated in
2008; pp. 6-14.
- D.Zavadska, L.Drukalska, N. Pugacova, D. Berziòa, D.Gardovska, V. Stanevicha,
E.Miklashevich. Antimicrobal therapy resistance in group A beta haemolytic Streptococcus
infection and rheumatic fever. - Joint Bone Spine, 2008, Vol. 75, N2, pp.
- Stanevicha
V, Eglite J, Zavadska D, Sochnevs A, Shantere R, Gardovska D. HLA class II DR and DQ
genotypes and haplotypes associated with rheumatic fever among a clinically homogeneous
patient population of Latvian children. - Arthritis Res Ther., 2007, vol.
9(3), R58. PubMed PMID: 17559688; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2206337.
- D. Zavadska, V. Stanevicha, I. Eglite, A. Sochnevs, D. Gardovska, R. Shantere. HLA Class
II DR and DQ genotyps and haplotyps associated with rheumatic heart disease among
clinically homogeneous patients in children in Latvia. - Joint Bone Spine, Revue
du rheumatisme international edition; 2007. 03., vol. 74, pp 218.
- D.Gardovska, J.Livdane, I.Grope. Curriculum of postgraduate education in paediatrics in
Latvia.- GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung ISSN 1860-3572, 2007, vol.
24(4), Doc 177.
- D.Gardovska, J.Livdane.”Europeanization” of Latvian Paediatric curriculum. - GMS
Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung ISSN 1860-3572, 2007, vol. 24(4), Doc 182.
- D. Gardovska, J. Pavare, I. Grope, A. Petersons, D. Pugachevska. A point prevalence
survey of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) in different pediatric patients
of Children’s clinical university hospital in Latvia. - Acta Chirurgica
Latviensis, 2007, N7, pp. 28-32.
- D. Gardovska, A. Petersons, J. Gardovskis Immune response to acute and reccurent,
chronic respiratory diseases in young children.. - XXXV World Congress of International
College of Surgeons, Pattaya (Thailand), October 25-29, 2006, Medimond International
Proceedings, pp. 209-212.
- Cizman M, Beovic B, Krcmery V, Barsic B, Tamm E, Ludwig E, Pelemis M, KarovskiK,
Grzesiowski P, Gardovska D, Volokha A, Keuleyan E, Stratchounski L, Dumitru C,Titov LP,
Usonis V, Dvorak P. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Enterococci Causing
Infections in Europe. - Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1999 October; vol. 43(10),
pp. 2542–2546. Antibiotic policies in Central Eastern Europe. - Int J
Antimicrob Agents, 2004 Sep; vol. 24(3), pp. 199-204. PubMed PMID: 15325421.
- U. Dumpis, Z. Kovalova, J. Jansons, L.Cupane, I. Sominskaya, M. Michailova, P.
Karaviannis, D. Gardovska, S.Viazov, S. Ross, M. Roggendorf, and P. Pumpens. An Outbreak
of HBV and HCV Infection in a Paediatric Oncology Ward: Epidemiological investigation and
prevention of Further Spread. - Journal of Medical Virology, 2003,
vol. 69, pp. 331-338, PubMed PMID: 12526042.
- V.Stanevicha, J.Eglite, A.Sochnevs, D.Gardovska, D. Zavadska, R.Shantere. HLA Class II
Associations with Rheumatic Heart Disease among Clinically Homogeneous Patients in
children in Latvia. - Arthritis Res Ther., 2003, vol. 5(6), R 340-6. Epub 2003
Sep 8. PubMed PMID: 14680508; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC333411.
- Grope I., Gardovska D. Acute nontyphoidal salmonellosis today. - Proc. Latv.
Acad. Sci. Sect.B., 2001, vol. 55, N 1, pp.1-5.
- Grope I, Gardovska D. A comparative analysis of the properties of bacteria in the
genus Salmonella isolated from children in Latvia . - Antibiot Khimioter.,
2000, vol. 45(1), pp. 21-24. Russian. PubMed PMID: 10690424.
- Bradford PA, Yang Y, Sahm D, Grope I, Gardovska D, Storch G. CTX-M-5, a novel
cefotaxime-hydrolyzing beta-lactamase from an outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium in
Latvia. - Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 1998 Aug; vol. 42(8), pp.
1980-1984. PubMed PMID:9687393; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC105719N.
- N. Osna, G. Silonova, M. Ponomareva, D. Gardovska, L. Viksna, A. Socnevs. Interferon
alfa low dosage course induces biochemical response and immunomodulation in chronic
hepatitis B. - Central European J. of Immunology - 1998, Vol.23, N 1,
- D. Gardovska, N. Osna, M. Ponomarjova, A. Sochnev, V. Andrejev, M. Makricas. Core –
antigen reactive lymphocytes in chronic hepatitis C . - Hepatology, 1996,
vol.26, pp.25 – 26.
- D. Gardovska, A. Sochnev. The immune system in young children with acute, recurrent and
chronic respiratory diseases. - Latvijas Zinatòu Akademijas Vestis, 1995,
Nr. 11/12, pp. 134-137.
- D. Gardovska, L. Samoshenkova. The functional activity of lymphocytes in children with
chronic localized bronchitis. - Latvijas Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis, 1995, Nr.
11/12, pp. 138-141.
- Livshits , Gardovska DKh , Grinberg VIa , Eksta IIa , Platkaia EK . Clinico -
immunological aspects of gastrointestinal diseases in children. - Pediatriia ,
1991, vol. 9, pp. 11-17. Russian. PubMed PMID: 1754340.
- Moskalenko IuE, Krivchenko AI, Pavlov NA, Gardovska DKh. Comparative physiological
aspects of the functional resistance of cerebral circulation.- Zh Evol Biokhim
Fiziol., 1983 Jul-Aug, vol. 19(4), pp. 374-80. Russian. PubMed PMID: 6415966.
- Moskalenko J, Khilko V, Vainshtein G, Gardovska DH, Semernia VN. Inform ativeness of
indices of reactions of cerebral vessels to adequatetimuli. - Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M
Sechenova, 1982 Feb, vol. 68(2), pp. 284-292. Russian. PubMedPMID: 7075832.
Research projects ( principal investigator ) :
National Research Programme in Medicine.
Multi-disciplinary research consortium on major pathologies threatening the life
expectancy and quality of life of the Latvian population.
WHO project. Development of a clinical prediction
instrument for group a beta hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis in children.
LSC grants:
- Clinical, biochemical and molecularly-genetical characterization of diseases caused by
particular microorganisms, influencing substantially the quality of life in Latvia - Borrelia
burgdorferi sensu lato complex bacteria, RSV and hMPV; personalized approach for
diagnostics and cure, forecasting of disease progression
- Significant lower respiratory tract infections caused by Pneumoviruses in children,
their clinical and molecular description in tertiary level children’s hospital in
- Predictive factors for group A beta hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis, rheumatic fever
and rheumatic heart disease in children in Latvia
- IgA deficiency – epidemiology, immunogenetics and role in immunopathogenesis of
chronic and recurrent diseases in children in Latvia”
- Hematological malignancies in children with combined chronic viral infection
- Disturbances of cytokine system in chronic hepatitis C in children
- Immunoregulation in children with persistent intracellular infections – chronic
hepatitis B and C.
Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia (grant ). Sepsis
– diagnosis, differential diagnosis, monitoring and treatment.
Last update 08.02.2010