Born: November 18, 1935, Valmiera, Latvia
Scientific Interests (mainly in theoretical physics):
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD):
- MHD Dynamo problem, theory and laboratory experiments
- MHD flows in channels, boundary layers and around bodies
- MGD phenomena on surfaces of liquid metals and ferrofluids
- Stability of MHD machines
- Magnetic field inside nuclear reactors
- Wave generation by particles
- Wave scattering by waves
- Modular instability
- Tidal evolution of orbits
- Deformation of atomic spectra in external fields
- Harmonic generation
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, basic German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and
Mathematics), 1958
- Postgraduate Course, FIAN , Moscow, Russia, 1961-1964
- Dr. phys
. (Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), FIAN, Moscow, Russia, 1964
Institute of Physics -
- Engineer, 1958 - 1959
- Junior Researcher, 1959-1960
- Senior Engineer , 1960-1961, 1964
- Senior Researcher, 1965-1985
- Leading Researcher, 1986-1993, 2000 -
- Professor, 1994-1996
- Head of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, 1996-1997, 2001-
- Director of Institute,1998-2000
- Vice director of Institute, 2006-
Honours and Awards
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fridrihs Canders Prize,
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Edgars Silinsh Prize as to the principal author of the
investigation MHD Dinamo Experiment in Salaspils, 2001
- Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur (France), 2007
Recent / Representative Publications
- A.Gailitis. Mathematical background for Riga Dynamo experiment Geophysical and
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2012, (in print)
- F.Stefani, A.Gailitis and G.Gerbeth. Energy oscillations and a possible route
to chaos in a modified Riga dynamo. Astron.Nachr. Vol. 1/2011, pp. 4-10
- E. Karule, A.Gailitis. Above threshold ionisation of atomic hydrogen in ns states with
up to four excess photons. - J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 065601
- A.Gailitis, G.Gerbeth, Th. Gundrum, O. Lielausis, E. Platacis, F. Stefani. History and
results of the Riga dynamo experiment. Comptes Rendus Physique No. 9 (2008),
- F.Stefani, A. Gailitis, G. Gerbeth. - Magnetohydrodynamic experiments on cosmic magnetic
fields.- Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 88(2008), pp. 930-954 , arxiv.org/0807.0299
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, G.Gerbeth, F.Stefani. Dynamo Magnetohydrodynamics: Historical
Evolution and Trends, eds. S.Molokov, R.Moreau, H.K.Moffatt; Springer, 2007,
Series "Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications" (series editor R. Moreau), pp.
- F. Stefani, A. Gailitis, G. Gerbeth, Th. Gundrum, M. Xu.Forward and inverse problems in
MHD: Numerical and experimental results.- GAMM-Mitteilungen 30 (2007), pp.159-170.
- S. Kenjere´s, K. Hanjali´c, S. Renaudier, F. Stefani, G. Gerbeth, A. Gailitis. Coupled
fluid-flow and magnetic-field simulation of the Riga dynamo experiment. - Plasma
Physics 13, 2006, Art. No. 122308.
- F. Stefani, G. Gerbeth, A. Gailitis. The Geomagnetic Dynamo -Laboratory Experiments,
Terra Nostra. - Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Gesellschaft, Heft
3 (2006).
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E. Platacis, G.Gerbeth, F. Stefani. Riga dynamo experiment and
its theoretical background. Phys. Plasmas, 2004, vol.11, pp.2838-2843.
- E.Karule, A.Gailitis The closed form of the second-order energy shift for the discrete
spectrum of atomic hydrogen. J.Phys.B.: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2004, vol.37,
- E.Karule, A.Gailitis. AC-Stark shift of the ground state of atomic hydrogen. - Applied
Physics B: Lasers and Optics (Special issue), 2004, B78, pp.817-820.
- R.Avalos-Zuniga, F.Plunian, A.Gailitis. Influence of electromagnetic boundary conditions
onto the onset of dynamo action in the laboratory experiments. Phys.Rev. E.
2003, vol.68, art.066307
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E.Platacis, G.Gerbeth, F.Stefani. Riga Dynamo Experiment.
Surveys in Geophysics, 2003, vol.24, pp.247-267,
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E.Platacis, G.Gerbeth, F.Stefani,. Laboratory experiments on
hydromagnetic dynamos. Rev.Mod.Physics, 2002, vol.74, pp.973-990.
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E.Platacis, S.Dementev, A.Cifersons, G.Gerbeth,
Th.Gundrrum, F.Stefani, M.Christen, G.Will.. Dynamo experiments at the Riga sodium
facility. Magnetohydrodynamics, 2002, vol.38, No 1-2, pp.5-14.
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E.Platacis, G.Gerbeth, F.Stefani. On the results of Riga Dynamo
Experiment. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 2001, vol.37, No.1-2, pp. 3-12.
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E.Platacis, G.Gerbeth, F.Stefani. Riga Dynamo Experiment. - In:
NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol.26 "Dynamo and
Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge" (eds. P.Chossat, D.Armbruster, I.Oprea),
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001, pp.9-16
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, S.Dement'ev, E.Platacis, A.Cifersons, G.Gerbeth, T.Gundrum,
F.Stefani, M.Christen, H.Haenel, G.Will. Magnetic field saturation in the Riga Dynamo
Experiment. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2001, vol.86, pp.3024-3027
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, S.Dement'ev, E.Platacis, A.Cifersons, G.Gerbeth, T.Gundrum,
F.Stefani, M.Christen, H.Haenel, G.Will. Detection of a flow induced magnetic field
eigenmode in the Riga Dynamo Facility. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2000, vol.84, pp.4365-4368
- M.Gailitis, A.Gailitis. Photoabsorption of atomic hydrogen in an external DC electric
field. - Journ.Phys.B., Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 1996, vol.29, pp.
- A.Gailitis. Project of a liquid sodium MHD dynamo experiment. - Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika,
1996, No 1. pp.63-67.
- A.Gailitis. Magnetic field generation by axisymmetric flows of a conducting fluid in
spherical cavity of a conducting medium at rest. - Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 1993,
No.2. pp. 3-14; 1995, No 1-2, pp.39-43.
- A.Gailitis. Experimental aspects of a laboratory scale liquid sodium dynamo model. - In:
Proceedings of NATO ASI "Theory of Solar and Planetary Dynamos", 1992,
September 20. - October 2, Cambridge, U.K., pp.91-98
- A.Gailitis. The Helical MHD Dynamo. - In: Topological Fluid Mechanics, Proc. IUTAM
Symposium, 1989, August 13-18, Cambridge, U.K., pp.147-156.
- A.Gailitis, B.G.Karasev, I.R.Krillov, O.A.Lielausis, S.M.Luzhanskii, A.P.Ogorodnikov,
G.V.Preslitskii. A liquid metal MHD dynamo model experiment.- Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika,
1987, No.4, pp.3-7.
- A.Gailitis. Tidal heating of Io and orbital evolution of the Jovian satellites. -Mon.Not.R.Astr.
Soc., 1982, vol. 201, pp.415-420
- A.Gailitis. Formation of the hexagonal pattern on the surface of a ferromagnetic fluid
in an applied magnetic field. - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1977, vol.82, part 3,
- A.Gailitis, J.Freiberg. On the theory of a helical MHD dynamo. - Magnitnaya
Gidrodinamika, 1976, No.2. pp. 3-6
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis. The instability of a uniform velocity distribution in an
induction MHD machine. - Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 1975, No.1, pp.87-101
- A.Gailitis. On the theory of Herzenberg's dynamo. - Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika,1973,
No. 4, pp.12-16.
- A.Gailitis. The self-excitation of a magnetic field by means of a couple of ring shaped
vortices. - Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 1970, No.1, pp.19-22
- A.Gailitis. The conditions of self-excitation of the geomagnetic dynamo model. - Magnitnaya
Gidrodinamika, No.3,1967, pp.45-54
- A.Gailitis. Oscillations of a conducting drop in the presence of magnetic field. - Magnitnaya
Gidrodinamika, 1966, No.2, pp.77-90
Research Projects
- A.Gailitis (Head of Project) MHD Dynamo- and Related Phenomena in Liquid Metal Flows. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996)
- A.Gailitis (Head of Project) MHD Dynamo Experiment. Latvian Council of Science
- A.Gailitis (Head of Project) Further Study of MHD Dynamo Phenomenon. Latvian Council
of Science (2001 - 2004)
- A.Gailitis (Head of Project) Development of a Spherical Magnetohydrodynamic Dynamo
Experiment. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - )
- A.Gailitis (Co-ordinator of Latvian Part of Project) Magnetic Field Dynamos - Laboratory
Studies based on the Riga Dynamo Facility. Program Improving the Human Research Potential
and the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base. FP5, European Commission (MAGDYN) (2001 -
- A.Gailitis (Co-ordinator of Latvian Part of Project) Magnetic flow tomography in
technology, geophysics, and ocean flow research, FP6 028670 (MAGFLOTOM) (2007-2010)
- A.Gailitis (Head of Project) Joint research projects of Institute of Physics on
magnetohydrodinamics and heat and mass transfer. Latvian Council of Science
(2009 - 2012)
Last update 16.04.2012