Professor, Dr. habil. hist. Inesis FELDMANIS
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy
University of Latvia,
Head of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Western Europe,
Director of the Masters and Doctors study programme in history. Brivibas
bulv. 32
Riga, LV-1586
Phone: +371 7283734
Fax: +371 7284488
E-mail: feldman@lanet.lv |
Born: August 1, 1948, Cesis, Latvia.
- History
- History of Latvia and history of Europe -
- Foreign Policy of Latvia in 1930s
- History of Baltic Germans
- Relations between Latvia and Germany during the Interwar Period
- Authoritarianism in Latvia, 1934-1940
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
Education and Academic Degrees
- University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 1972
- Dr.hist. (Candidate of Science in the former USSR), University of Latvia, 1984
- Dr.habil.hist., University of Latvia, 1994
- Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Latvia, 1995
University of Latvia -
- Lecturer, 1977-1986
- Associate Professor, 1986-1995
- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History and Philospophy, 1992-
- Head of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Western Europe, 1995-
- Professor of Modern and Contemporary History , 1995-
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001
- Corresponding Member, Commission of Baltic History (Baltische Historische Kommission)
Professional Activities
- Member, Society of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, 1995-
- Member, National Committee of Historians of Latvia, 1995-
- Chairman or the Council of Promotions in History, University of Latvia, 1997-
- Member, Council of Science of University of Latvia, 1996-
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
History, 1996-
- Member, Editing Board of Journal Latvijas Vesture, 1996-
- Member, Latvian Commission of Historians, 1998-
- Member of the Organisation Committee, International Conference Rigai-800 ,
Courses (University of Latvia)
- History of Europe, 1918-1945
- History of Germany, 1918-1945
- History of International Relations, 1918-2000
- History of Baltic Germans
- Historiography of The Second World War
- History of Foreign Policy of Latvia
- Theoretical Problems of Contemporary History
Recent Representative Publications
I. Feldmanis. The Role of Germans Fascism in the Process of Nazification of Main
Organisations of Latvias Germans. Riga, 1985, 104 pp. (in Latvian).
I. Feldmanis, A. Stranga, M. Virsis. Latvias Foreign Policy and International
Relations in late 1930s . Riga, 1993, 435 pp.(in Latvian).
M. Duhanovs, I. Feldmanis, A. Stranga. 1939. Latvia and the Year of Fateful Decisions,
Riga, 1994, 124 pp.
I. Feldmanis, A. Stranga. The Destiny of the Baltic Entente. Riga, 1994, 106 pp.
I. Feldmanis. The Political Activities of Baltic Germans in Latvia: discussions in
history literature. - In: The Baltic States at Historical Crossroads, 1998, Riga,
pp. 694-708 (in Latvian).
I. Feldmanis. Latvia of the 15 May Regime and Authoritarian Regimes: Comparative
Characterisation. - In : Karlim Ulmanim 120, Riga, 1998, pp. 82-95 (in
I. Feldmanis. Latvia as State: Origins, International Recognition and Main Trends of
Foreign Policy, 1918-1940.- In: A Document Collection on the International Recognition
of Latvia , Renewed Independence and Diplomatic Relations 1918-1998, Riga , 1999,
pp.15-51 (in Latvian).
I.Feldmanis. German Emigration from Latvia and Estonia during the World War II. Current
Research Problems. - In: Die Deutsche Volksgruppe in Lettland, Hamburg, 2000, S.
I. Feldmanis. The Political Activities of Baltic Germans in Latvia: discussions in
history literature. - In: The Baltic States at Historical Crossroads, 2001, Riga,
pp. 548-563.
I.Feldmanis, et al. Die Umgestaltungsprozesse im Ramen des Ulmanis Regimes.
- In: Autoritäre Regime im Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa 1919-1941, Mainz,
2001, 690 S.
Research Projects
- I. Feldmanis (Head of Project). Latvia in the Context of European
Domestic and Foreign Policy Processes (1918-2004) . Latvian Council of Science, 2005
- I. Feldmanis (Head of Project). Latvia in the Context of European
Domestic and Foreign Policy Processes . Latvian Council of Science, 2001-2004
- I. Feldmanis (Head of Project). Political Regimes in Latvia. Latvian Council of
Science, 1997- 2000
- I. Feldmanis , I. Butulis, L. Malahovska. German and Russian Factor in History of
Latvia. Latvian Council of Science, 1997-2000
- I. Feldmanis. (Head together with A. Stranga of Projects Latvian Part).
Editing and publishing of collection of documents The Soviet Union and the Baltic
States, 1939-1940. Institute of World History of Russian Academy of Sciences, Latvian
State Archive, Lithuanian State Archive and Eurouniversity (Estonia), 2000-
- I. Feldmanis. (Head of Projects Latvian Part). Translation, editing and publishing
of E. Kolbs monograph Die Weimarer Republik. Supported by Volkswagen
Foundation, University of Mainz, Latvian Ministry of Education, 1994-1997.
- Archival Research at the Political Archive of German : Oct.- Dec. 1991, Jan. -
Febr.1992, Sept. - Nov. 1994. Sept.- Oct. 1995, Sept. - Oct. 1996, Feb. - March 1998.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Fellowships of H. Bel Foundation and M. Dörnhof Foundation.
Married, 2 children. Wife- Anita, sons Ivo and Vents.
Hobby- interest on sports.
Last update 09.10.2002