Birth Data: May 29, 1958, Riga, Latvia
- General Linguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Language Policy
- Bilingual/Multilingual Education; Linguistic Human Rights
- Dr.habil.philol., University of Latvia, 1996
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Science), Institute of Language and Literature of the
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1985
- Postgraduate course, Institute of Language and Literature of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1981-1984
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Philology, cum laude, 1981
Work Experience
- Minister of Education and Science, Republic of Latvia, 2004-
- Member of Parliament (Saeima) of the Republic of Latvia, Head of Human Rights and Social
Affairs Commission, 2002 -2004
- Professor of General Linguistics, University of Latvia,
- Leading Researcher, Head of the Department of Sociolinguistics, Latvian Language
Institute, 1992-
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Language and Literature of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1985-1992
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Language and Literature of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1984-1985
Honours and Awards
Grants and Scholarships
- The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study and Conference Center Residency Grant, USA,
- J.William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 1996-1997
- Guest Researcher, Roskilde University, Denmark, 1995
- The Nordic Council Research Grant, Oslo University, Norway, 1993
- The Swedish Institute Research Grant, Stockholm, Sweden, 1993
- Visiting Scholar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsawa, 1990
Research Projects
- Euromosaic III. Presence of Regional and Minority Language Groups in the European
Union's New Acceding Countries. Research Centre on Multilingualism, Catholic
University, Brussels, 2004.
- Linguistic Legislation in the EU and Latvia. Latvian Council of Science, 2003-
- Linguistic Integration of Society in Latvia (Head of Project). Latvian Council of
Science, 2004-
- Functional and Sociolinguistic Aspects of Language
(Head of Project). Latvian Council of Science , 1992-2003.
- Monitoring of Language Situation in Latvia (Head
of Project). Latvian Council of Science , 1996-2002.
- Grammars of Literary Latvian (Research Associate).
Latvian Council of Science, 1992-1995
- Language Use and Attitudes among Latvians (Project
Director). The Soros Foundation and the State Language Center , 1996
- Language Use and Attitudes among Minorities in
Latvia (Project Director). USIA and UNDP , 1995
University Courses
- Communication across the Baltic Area (Turku
University, Finland)
- Introduction to Linguistics (University of
Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology)
- Contemporary Latvian (University of
Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology)
- Sociolinguistics (University of Latvia, Faculty
of Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology; Daugavpils
Pedagogical University)
- Language Policy (University of Latvia, Faculty
of Pedagogy and Psychology)
- Linguistic Human Rights (University of Latvia,
Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology)
- Theoretical Foundations of Bilingual Education (University
of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology)
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Vice-Head, State Language Commission under the
Auspices of the President of Latvia
- Chairperson, Council of the Latvian Language Institute, 1992-2002.
- Chairperson, Latvian Language Council of the State Language Center, 1992-2002
- Member, Council of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology , 1997-2003
- Member, Habilitation and Promotion Council for Linguistics
- Member, Editorial Board of the journal 'Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences. Part A'
- Member, Editorial Board of the journal 'Linguistica Lettica'
- Member, International Association of Sociologists
- Member, International Academy of Language Law
- Member, Advisory Board of series 'Multilingualism and Linguistic Diversity'
- Correspondent of 'Sociolinguistica. International Yearbook of European
- Member of the Editorial Board of journal
"Language Policy"
- Vice-President, Latvian Association of
University Women 1993-1996
Recent/ Representative Publications
About 250 publications (1982-2005)
- Valoda un etnoss /Language and Ethānos/, 1990, Riga: LZB, 40 pp. (in
- Kārlis Mīlenbahs /Latvian Linguist Kārlis Mīlenbahs/, 1990, Riga: Zinatne,
283 pp. (in Latvian)
- Valodas politika: pasaules pieredze Latvijai /Language Policy: World's Experience
for Latvia/, 1994, Riga: LZB, 52 pp. (in Latvian)
- Druviete I. (ed.). The Language Situation in
Latvia. Sociolinguistic Survey. Part 1. Language Use and Attitudes among Minorities in
Latvia, 1995, Riga: Latvian Language Institute, 142 pp.
- Druviete I. (ed.). Valodas situācija Latvijā.
Sociolingvistisks pźtījums. 2. dala.
Latvieu lingvistiska kompetence un valodas procesu vertźjums /The Language
Situation in Latvia. Sociolinguistic Survey. Part 2. Language Use and Attitudes among
Latvians/,1996, Riga: Latvian Language Institute, 198 pp.(in Latvian).
- Latvie'su valodas sociolingvistiskā situācija
(izpźtes metodes un raksturojums: statistika, psihologija, politika) /The
Sociolinguistic Situation of the Latvian Language (Methods of Investigations and
Conclusions: Statistics, Psychology, Policy)/, 1996, Riga: Tapals, 78 pp.(in
- Latvijas valodas politika Eiropas Savienības kontekstā
/ Language Policy in Latvia in the Context of the European Union/, 1998,
Rīga: LZAEI, 193 pp.(in Latvian).
- Sociolinguistic Situation and Language Policy in the Baltic States, 2000, Rīga: Mācību apgāds, 46 pp.
- Druviete I., Baltaiskalna D., Ernstsone V., Porina V.
Latvijas valodas politikas analīze: ekonomiskie aspekti / Economic Aspects of Language
Policy in Latvia/, 2001, Rīga: Mācību apgāds, 36 pp. (in Latvian)
Druviete I., Gavrilina M. Minoritātes berni latvie'su mācībvalodas skolās /Minority Children in Latvian Language Classrooms/, 2003,
Rīga: Puse Plus, 54 pp.(in Latvian).
- Language Policy after Independence: Language in Education in Latvia. - IVth
Conference on Languages and Law. Conference Materials. Fribourg, 1994, pp. 103-108.
- Linguistic Human Rights in the Baltic States. - American Anthropological Association,
93rd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, November 30-December 4, 1994. Abstracts, pp.
- Politica del lenguaje y derechos humanos linguisticos en los Estados Balticos. - Alteridades.
Derechos humanos linguisticos en sociedades multiculturales. Mexico, Universidad
Autonoma Metropolitana, Ano 5, num. 10, 1995, 105-120.
- Language Contacts in Balticum: Latvia. - Contact Linguistics. An International
Handbook of Contemporary Research. Ed. by H.Goebl et al. Vol.2., Berlin/New York:
Walter de Gruyter, 1997, pp.1906-1912.
- Change of Language Hierarchy in Latvia: Language Skills and Attitudes to Language
Policy. - Recent Studies in Contact Linguistics, Plurilingua XVIII. Bonn: Duemmler,
1997, pp. 84-91.
- Language Policy in the Baltic States in Comparison with Other Multilingual Regions. - Actes
del Congres europeu sobre planificacio linguistica/ Proceedings of the European Conference
on Language Planning, Barcelona: Departement de Cultura de la Generalitat de
Catalunya, 1997, pp. 144-154.
- Linguistic Human Rights in the Baltic States. - International Journal of the
Sociology of Language, Vol. 127. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1997, pp.161-185.
- Republic of Latvia . - In: Linguistic Minorities in Central & Eastern Europe.
Ed. by C.B.Paulston and D.Peckham. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1998, pp.160.-183.
- La situation sociolinguistique de la language lettone. - Les politiques linguistiques
des pays baltes. Ed. J.Maurais. Terminogramme. Juillet 1998. Quebec: Office de la
langue francaise, pp. 105-149.
- Language policy in Latvia: Interaction between sociolinguistic and political factors. - 14th
World Congress of Sociology. Sociological abstracts. July 1998. Montreal: ISA, 1998,
- The sociolinguistic situation of the Slavic languages in Latvia. - Contributions of
the Latvian Delegation to the XII International Congress of Slavicists (Krakow,
27.08.1998.-2.09.1998.). Riga: Latvian Language Institute, 1998, pp. 5-30
- Linguistic Human Rights Conference in Budapest. - Sociolinguistica. International
Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics. Tuebingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1998, vol. 12,
pp. 261-263.
- Language policy in a changing society: problematic issues of implementation of universal
linguistic human rights standards. - In: Approaching Linguistic Human Rights. Ed.
by M.Kontra, R.Phillipson, T.Skutnabb-Kangas, T.Varady. Budapest: Central European
University Press, pp. 379-391.
- Purism in Latvian language standardization: the first period of national independence. -
In: Proc. Daugavpils Pedagogical University, 9. Problems of contrastive
Linguistics, 1999, Daugavpils: Saule, pp. 5-12.
- Linguistic integration of the society through naturalization: the case of Latvia. - Multilingual
Cities and Language Policies. Proc. 6th International Conference on Law and
Language. Ed. by K.Herberts & J.G.Turi. Vaasa: Abo Akademi University, 1999, pp.
- The Latvian Language Law Debate: Some aspects of Linguistic Human Rights in
Education. - In: Rights to Language: Equity, Power, and Education: Celebrating the
60th Birthday of tove Skutnabb-Kangas /ed. R.Phillipson/. Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000, pp. 83-86.
- Language policy in the Republic of Latvia: Experience and problems. - Revue
Baltique. Organe de la Collaboration des Etats Baltes. Vilnius, 1999[2001], N 15, pp.
- Language policy in Latvia before European Accession. - In: Management of Integration
in Multicultural Societies. Roundtable Materials, Chisinau: ARC Publishing House,
2003, pp. 117-127.
- Prospects and perspectives for languages of the new member states in the enlarged
European Union. - Best Practices of Learning Less Widely-used Languages in
Multicultural and Multinational Europe. 23-25 September 2004. Materials of the
Conference. Vilnius: Lietuviu kalbos instituto leidykla, 2004, p.25.
- Latvie'su valoda - latvie'su, Latvijas vai Eiropas
Savienības identitātes elements./ Latvian language - identity element for
Latvians, Latvian peoples or the EU?/. - Valodu mācibu
centrs. Starptautiskās 10 gadu jubilejas konferences "Valoda kā identitāte"
rakstu krājums. Riga, Valodu mācibu centrs, 2004, pp. 11-15. (in Latvian).
Married; daughter Inese (21), son Peteris (18).
Last update 15.04.2005