Konstantins DIDENKO
Professor Dr.oec. Konstantins DIDENKO Dean of
Faculty of Engineering Economics,
Director of the Institute of Production and Entrepreneurship
Riga Technical University
1 Kalku Street, 424
Riga, LV 1658
Phone: (371) 7089010
Fax: (371) 7089345
e-mail: k_didenko@rtu.lv |
Born: August 23, 1946, Latvia
- Engineering Economy
- Economic Substantiation of Entrepreneurial decisions
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Engineering Economics),Qualification:
Engineer-economist, 1964-1969
- Dr.oec. (Candidate of Economic Sciences in the USSR, similar Ph.D.in Western countries),
Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, 1985.
Thesis: "Investigation of stability of cost coefficients"
Riga Technical University (RTU):
- Dean, Faculty of Engineering Economics, 1997 -
- Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Engineering Economics, 1982-1997
- Head of the Department of Production and Economics of Entrepreneurship, 1989 -
- Professor, 2001 -
- Associate Professor , 1998-2001
- Head of Institute of Production and Economics of Enterpreneurship,1993-1997, 2004 -
- Assistant Professor, 1990-1998
- Lecturer, 1973-1990
- Assistant, 1971-1973
- Engineer, 1969-1971
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2005
Professional Activities and Membership
- The Head of the Council of RTU Deans
- The Head of Riga branch of Institute of Actuary (London)
- Member of Editorial Board, RTU FEE Scientific Proceedings
- Expert of the Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre
The total amount of publications - 150 including 25 published abroad.
Zvejnieks A., Didenko K. Diennstleistungen als träger der wirtschaftlichen Enturiclung
Lettlands // Innovation und wettbewerbeb in der Dienstleistüngengesellschaft. Aufbruch
in das neue Jahrtausend. Ausgewählte Beiträge der X. Betriebswirtschaftlichen Tage zu
Schwerin 2000. Rostocher Hefte, 2001. 263.- 268. s.
Vanaga S., Didenko K., Klavin A. Historical peculiarities of the development of
the textile industry of Latvia . - Economics and Business. Economy: theory and
practice. Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series 3.
Volume 3 Riga: RTU, 2002. p. 119 126
Cudeckis V., Didenko K., Magidenko A. Improvement of waste management system . - Economics
and Business. Business and Management. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University,
Series 3. Volume 5 Riga: RTU, 2002. pp. 22 32
The Modelling of Development of the Information Market of Latvia // The Main Directions
of Research in Economics and Law Sciences in 2002 by the Latvian Council of Science.
Riga: RTU, 2002 (Nr. 7. p.82 - 87), 2003 (Nr. 8. - p.84 - 90) (with
co-authors Magidenko A., Gaile-Sarkane E., Jurenoks V., Lace N., Jansons V.).
Magidenko A., Didenko K. The role of the Faculty of Engineering Economics of Riga
Technical University in the development of education and economics in Latvia . - In:
Current Development Trends of National Economy and Education. Scientific
Proceedings International Scientific Conference, Riga, May 17, 2002. Riga:
RTU, 2003. pp. 10 15
Magidenko A., enfelde M., Didenko K. About perspective of innovation development
of Latvian economy: economic and regional aspects . - Economics and Law. Series
C. Bulletin of Donetsk University. Donetsk: Donetsk University, 2003.
pp. 24 28
Magidenko A., Didenko K., Emeljanovs A. The innovation risks in business. - Risks
in Current World: Identification and Protection. Science Readings White nights
2004. Saint-Petersburg (Russia): International Academy of Ecology
& Life Protection Sciences, 2004. pp. 85 87
Didenko K., Marinska K. Managerial accounting as part of the information system of a
company. - Economics and Business. Business and Management. Scientific
Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series 3. Volume 8 Riga: RTU, 2004.
pp. 21 26
Magidenko A., Gaile-Sarkane E., Didenko K., Lace N. The Role of Information Resources in
the Development of Entrepreneurship of Latvia. - In: The Main Directions of
Research in Economics and Law Sciences in 2002 by the Latvian Council of Science.
Riga: RTU, 2005 (Nr. 10. pp.80 - 84).
Didenko K., Sundukova Z. About the development of economic analysis. - Economic
Bulletin 2005(2). Scientific Proceedings of National Technical University of Ukraine
Kiev Polytechnic institute. - Kiev, Kiev Polytechnic institute, 2005.
pp. 11-15.
Membership in International projects
- TEMPUS project JEPS 11064/96, Industrial Logistics management Master and
Engineering Study Programmes.
- BERIL project - Business Education Reform in Latvia. Elaboration of the concept of adult
education in economics and management science.
- Latvia-Norway international programme Development of University Level Courses in
Research projects
Executor of the projects of Latvian Council of Science,
1999-2000, 2001-2003, 2004-2007:
- The Methodology of Economic Substantiation of Innovations in Transition Period
- The Modelling of Development of the Information Market of Latvia
- The Eonomic Role of Information Resources in Latvia
Executor of subcontract within the project PROMINENCE Promoting
Inter-European Networks of Collaboratin Extended Enterprise, 2005.
Last update 02.01.06