Born: March 11, 1940, Saldus, Latvia
Dead: August 21, 2002, Riga, Latvia
- Plasma Technology
- Nanopowders and Nanomaterials
- Materials from Latvian Raw Minerals and their Technologies
- Refractory Compounds
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), 1964
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Minsk
Technology Institute, Byelorussia, 1971
- Engineer, Researcher, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Vice- Director for Scientific Research, Special Department for Design and Technology of
Inorganic Materials, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1979 -1994
- Lecturer, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Riga Technical University, 1970-1975;
1979-1986; 1993
- Director, Company "Plasma & Ceramic Technologies, Ltd", 1994 - 2002
- Director, Institute of Mineral Raw Materials of Latvia, Riga
Technical University, 1996 - 2002
Honours and Awards
- Latvian State Prize, 1980
- Winner of the Competition of the USSR Society of Inventors, 1985
- Certificate of Approval, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia,
Professional Activities and Membership
- Vice-President, Latvian Association of Material Research, 1994 - 2002
- Advisor to the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, 1997-1998
Riga Technical University:
- Processes of Plasmachemical Technology, 1970-1975
- Equipment and Apparata for Plasmachemical Processes, 1979-1986; 1993
Recent/Representative Publications
- U.Cielens, T.Millers, A.Vaivads. The effect of water steam on the thermal destruction of
some organo-silicon compounds.- In: Organo-Silicon Compounds, Moscow, Russia, 1969,
ser.IV, pp. 13-17 (in Russian)
- U.Cielens, Z.Konstants, A.Vaivads. Kinetics of magnesium hydroxide carbonation.- Proceedings
of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Ser. Chem., 1969, 3, pp.285-289 (in Russian)
- U.Cielens, M.Zake, V.Liepina, V.Melnikovs, T.Millers. Electric and emission
characteristics of high temperature gas flows containing disperse particles in the
presence of chemical reactions. - Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 1969, vol.11,
11, pp.999-1003 (in Russian)
- U.Cielens, T.Millers. The interaction of metals with the plasma gas. - In:
Utilisation of Low Temperature Plasma in Technology of Inorganic Compounds and Powder
Metallurgy, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1971, pp.12-18 (in Russian)
- U.Cielens, T.Millers. Nitriding of titanium and zirconium in high temperature nitrogen
flow. - In: Preparation, Properties and Use of Nitrides, Kiev, 1972, pp. 22-29 (in
- U.Cielens, A.Nekrasovs, A.Spats, T.Millers. Possibility of heterogeneous plasma-chemical
processes control by means of local integrated models.- Proceedings of Latvian Academy
of Sciences, Ser. Chem., 1976, 1, pp.12-15 (in Russian)
- U.Cielens, V.Kaca, T.Millers. Method of preparation of diborides of titanium subgroup. -
Authors' Certificate of USSR, No 599475, IC 2 CO1B 35/04, 1977
- U.Cielens, J.Krasins, T.Millers. Method of preparation of super-hard materials batch. -
Authors' Certificate of USSR, No 1005381, IC 3 B22F 9/16, 1982
- U.Cielens, F.Vakkers, D.Jankovica, J.Kostjukovs, P.Auzans. Plasma-chemical synthesis and
investigation of nitride composites.- In: Plasma-Chemical Processes in Technology of
Nitrides, Chernogolvka, Russia, 1984, pp.53-58 (in Russian)
- U.Cielens, V.Kaca, J.Grabis, T.Millers. Method of preparation of alkaline metals
hexaborides. - USSR Authors' Certificate, N 1309495, IC 4 CO1B 35/04, 1987
- U.Cielens, I.Polkins, V.Popovs, V.Jakovenko, T.Millers, L.Stafeckis. Ceramic material
for preparation of tools. - USSR Authors' Certificate , N 1351034, IC 4B 22, 1987
- U.Cielens. Experimental production of nitride powders by method of plasma chemistry. -
In: Materials from Nitrides, Kiev, 1988, pp.64-69 (in Russian)
- U.Cielens, A.Mazurenko, V.Urbanovich, S.Kasnerik, A.Malugov, A.Chujevsky, T.Millers,
T.Leonovich. Method of preparation of high density material from aluminium nitride. - USSR
Authors' Certificate , N 1601967, IC 5 CO4B 35/38, 1990
- U.Cielens, N.Bolotina, S.Milokhin, V.Larionov, L.Stafeckis. Powder material for
gas-thermal sputtering. - USSR Authors' Certificate, N 2040570, IC 5 CO8 35/16, 1995
- U.Cielens, U.Sedmalis, A.Zvejnieks. Problems and outlook of clay wares. - Proceedings
of Latvian Geology, 1998, 5, pp.25-32 (in Latvian)
- S.Igaune, J.Setina, I.Vitina, U.Cielens. Chemical deterioration of concrete
constructions in Riga. - Proceedings of European Congress on Advanced Materials and
Processes EUROMAT'99, Munich, 1999.
Research Projects
- U.Cielens (Head of Project). Plasmachemical Synthesis of Copper Powder. Ministry of
Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (1992)
- U.Cielens (Chief Designer). Demands and Competitiveness of Production from Latvian Clay
and Peat. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (1997)
- U.Cielens (Head of Project). Corrosion of Ferro-concrete Bridge Constructions and its
Estimation. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (1999-2000)
- U.Cielens (Program Director). Resources of the Subsoil of Latvia and their Utilization. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000)
Avocations: Tourism, Travelling
Last update 30.04.2004