Professor Juris BORZOVS
Dean, Faculty of Computing
University of Latvia
Raina Bulv. 19
Riga, LV-1586
LatviaPhone: +371-67034490
Mobile: +371-29257530
Fax: +371-67619573
E-mail: Juris.Borzovs@lu.lv |
Born: April 17, 1950, Siuntio, Finland
- Software Engineering Methods and Standards
- Quality Management and ISO 9000
- Latvian Terminology of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
- Information Technology Education and Training
Brief Description of Main Research:
"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand,
more perilous to conduct or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the
introduction of a new order of things
" Machiavellian |
If should I characterise concisely my professional activities during couple of years
probably the most suitable would be an assertion that I dealt with and continue to deal
with implementation of an order and discipline into various processes and issues, with a
propaganda and teaching of such a discipline. I could add that this implementation of the
order itself must be disciplined, based on scientific methods and approaches.
My research is devoted to four fields listed below (software engineering and its
contacting with information technology legislation and terminology), where I have worked
and am still working in.
- Software Engineering Methods and Standards
- Quality Management and ISO 9000
- Latvian Terminology of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
- Information Technology Education and Training
- Certificate of Software Tester, ISTQB, 2007
- Dr.habil. sc.comp., University of Latvia, 1999
- Certificate of Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Information Systems Audit
and Control Association, 1997
- Dr.sc.comp. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Institute of Mathematics, Academy of
Sciences of Belarusssian SSR (Thesis advisor Professor Janis Barzdins), 1989
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1968-1973
- Riga Secondary School N50, 1957-1968
- Board Member, Programmaturas testeanas laboratorija, SIA, 2011-
- Dean of Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia, 2009-
- Head of Computing Department, University of Latvia, 2006-2009
- Professor, University of Latvia, 2004-
- Advisor to the Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs, 2006
- Deputy President, Quality Affairs, a/s Exigen Services Latvia, 2001-2009
- Member, Higher Education Council, Republic of Latvia, 2000-2004
- Associate Professor, University of Latvia, 2001-2004
- Part-time Professor, Riga Technical University, 2000-2008
- Part-time Docent, Riga Technical University, 1996-2000
- Director and Chairman of the Board, Riga Information Technology Institute, research
subsidiary of a/s Exigen Services Latvia, 1995-2010
- Head of Group, a/s Software House Riga, 1992-1994
- Half-time Docent, University of Latvia, 1994-2001
- Deputy Director, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia,
- Head of Laboratory, Computing Centre, University of Latvia, 1980-1988
- Senior Researcher, Computing Centre, University of Latvia, 1976-1979
- Part-time Lecturer, University of Latvia, 1976-1993
- Engineer Mathematician-Programmer, Computing Centre, University of Latvia, 1973-1975
- Scholarship of Svenska Institutet, Stockholm University and Royal Institute of
Technology, 1991
- Lovanium International Management Centre, La Hulpe, Belgium, 1991
Honours and Awards:
- Mentioned as a co-developer of Latvian scientific achievement of the year by Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 2010
- Diploma, Minister for Education and Science, 2007
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2007
- Diploma, Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs, 2007
- Diploma, Minister for Transport, 2000
- Certificate of Senior Research Associate, The Higher Attesting Commission of the USSR
Council of Ministers, 1991
- Gold medal, graduation from secondary school, 1968
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Accreditation Committee, European Quality Assurance Network for Information
Education, 2010-
- Chair of Conference Organising Committees:
- USSR Conferences Synthesis, Testing, Verification and Debugging of Computer Programs,
Riga,1981, 1986
- The 13th International Conference on Fundamentals of Computing Theory, Riga,
- International Baltic Workshop Data Bases and Information Systems, Riga, 1998,
2004, 2010
- 8th Conference PROFES2007, Riga
- Member of Conference Programme Committees:
- Intern. Conf. & Exhib. Information Technologies and Telecommunications in the Baltic
Riga, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002
- Software Quality Week Europe, Brussels, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002
- FESMA The European Software Measurement Conferences, Antwerp, Belgium, 1998,
- Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), USA, 1998
- International Conferences on Software Testing(ICSTEST), Bonn, Cologne, Germany,
- International Conferences on Information Systems Development (ISD), 2002-2010
Member of Conference Organising Committees: International Baltic Workshop Data Bases and Information Systems, Trakai,
Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Riga, 1994
Member, Deputy Chair (2010-) Terminology Commission of the Latvian Academy of Sciences;
Chair, Vice-chair (2007-) Information Technology and Telecommunications Sub-commission
Founder, and First President, Latvian Information and Communications Technology
Association (LIKTA)
Founder, First President, Latvia Chapter of Information Systems Audit and Control
Association (ISACA)
Member, IEEE Computer Society and IEEE-Standards Association
Co-Founder and Member, Latvian National Library Support Fund
Invited Lectures:
- An Outstanding Example of University-Industry Partnership: The Latvian Case._
2nd IT STAR Workshop on Universities and the ICT Industry (UNICTRY 07), 2007.
- The Millennium Problem. Lecture at the Convention of the German-Latvian
Business Union, Riga, 1999.
- A Vision of the Future IT&T Sector in Latvia and the Baltic States regarding the
Design and Maintenance of Information Systems. Baltic IT Convention The Baltic Sea Region year 2010 - a world leading IT region?. Karlskrona,
Sweden, 1999.
- Business and Technological Opportunities in Information Technologies in the Baltic
Countries. Keynote speech presented at the EUREKA Brokerage Event Food and
Information Technologies, Jurmala, Latvia, 1998.
- Software Test Automation. Umeo University, Sweden, 1991.
University of Latvia:
- Software Quality, 1983-1989, 1994-
- Software Engineering, 1992-
- Technical Writing and Professional Communication, 1997-2007
- Software Testing, 1979-1982
- Programming Languages, 1975-1978
- Higher Algebra, 1974
Riga Technical University:
- Software Quality, 1996-2008
Liepaja Paedagogical Academy:
- Software Engineering, 1999
Recent/Representative Publications:
- J.Bicevskis, J.Borzovs, U.Straujums, A.Zarins, E.F.Miller,jr. SMOTL - A System
to Construct Samples for Data Processing Program Debugging. IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. SE-5, No.1, 1979, pp. 60-66.
- J.Borzovs. Testing Programs by the Aid of Symbolic Execution (in Russian).
Programmirovanije, No. 1, 1980, pp. 51-59.
- J.Borzovs. Automated Description of Program Function for Processing of Sequential
Files (in Russian). Programmirovanije, No. 2, 1983, pp. 3-11.
- A.Kalnins, J.Borzovs, I.Medvedis. Automatic Construction of Test Sets: Practical
Approach . In: J.Bazdins, D.Bjorner (eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer
Science: Baltic Computer Science, No. 502, Springer-Verlag, 1991. pp.360-432.
- A.Adamsone, J.Borzovs, R.Cevere, M.Luckina. Framework for Potential Latvian Software
Engineering Standards. In: Hele-Mai Haav, Bernhard Thalheim(Eds.) Databases
and Information Systems: Proc. 2nd Int. Baltic Workshop, Tallinn, 1996, pp. 105-112.
- J.Borzovs. Information Technology in Latvia: Laws and Standards(in Latvian).
Collection of Papers Latvia on the Way Towards Information Society, Latvian
Academic Library, 1996, pp.35-40.
- J.Borzovs. Information Technology in Latvia: Laws and Standards.
Baltic IT Review, No. 3'96(3), pp. 44-47.
- J.Borzovs, G.Fricnovics, A.Spektors. The Latvian Language and IT&T.
Baltic IT Review, No. 5'97, pp. 24-28.
- S.Berzina, J.Borzovs. Harmonization of Latvian and International IT Standards: An
Enormous Effort Will Be Needed. In: Intern. Conf. & Exhib. Information
Technologies and Telecommunications in the Baltic States, Abstracts of Papers,
Riga,1997, pp. 175-178.
- J.Borzovs, R.Cevere, M.Luckina. Practice of Usage of Computers in the Work of
Informatics Subcommission of the Terminology Commission of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
(in Latvian). Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. A.
Riga, 1997, vol.51., no. 3./4. (590./591.), pp. 7.-10.
- J.Borzovs, I.Imsa, U.Kinis. Recent IT&T Legislation: Trends in Latvia.
Baltic IT Review, no. 198 (8), pp.76-77.
- A.Baums, J.Borzovs, A.Gobzemis, I.Freibergs, G.Fricnovics, I.Ilzina.
English-Latvian-Russian Dictionary Personal Computers. A/s DATI, Riga, 1998.
- National Programme Informatics. R.Balodis, J.Barzdins, J.Bicevskis, J.Borzovs,
V.Briedis, E.Karnitis, V.Lauks, J.Mikelsons, A.Virtmanis, K.Zeila.Riga, 1998.
- J.Borzovs, I.Puksts, B.Strautmane, G.Urtans. The Software Industry a Potential
Driving Force for Latvian Exports. Baltic IT Review, no. 499 (15),
- B.Apine, J.Borzovs, A.Jautrums, A.Joma, E.Kalnina, A.Klints, S.Linde, J.Plume,
U.Sukovskis, M.Vitin. The Future of IT Professional Education in Latvia.
In: Proc. Intern. Conf. IT Skills- & Vocational Certification, Estonian
National Library, 2000, pp. 40-43.
- J.Borzovs, J.Borzovs, Jr. An IT specialist who is of interest? Baltic IT
Review, no. 3(18), 2000, pp. 72-73.
- A.Adamsone, J.Borzovs, M.Gills, S.Linde, J.Plume. Software Testing in Latvia: Lessons
Learned. In: Proc. 1st International Conference on Software Testing,
Bonn, Germany, 2000, track A, no. 2, 15 pp.
- J.Borzovs, I.Puksts, B.Strautmane, G.Urtans, P.A.Woolsey. The Software Development
Industry and the Baltic Countries: an Estimation of the Future. In:
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Baltic Workshop Databases &
Information Systems, Vilnius, Technika, 2000, pp. 210-218.
- J.Borzovs, P.A.Woolsey. A Vision of the future IT&T Sector in the three Baltic
Republics concerning the Design, Development & Maintenance of IT Systems in Telecom
and M-Commerce systems. In: Proceedings of Global Information Technology
Management Association World Conference, Memphis, USA, 2000, 4p.
- J.Borzovs, U.Sukovskis. Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Electronics
in Latvia: An Insiders View. Baltic IT&T Review, no. 4(19), 2000, pp.
- J.Borzovs, M.Gills. Building-up a team for manual testing. Proc.
2nd Intern. Conf. On Software Testing ICSTEST, Bonn, 2001, 12p.
- J.Borzovs, M.Gills. Software Testing in Latvia: Lessons Learned.Proceedings
the 14th International Internet and Software Quality Week Conference, San Francisco, 2001,
Paper 6A2, 15 p.
- A.Baums, J.Borzovs, A.Gobzemis, G.Fricnovics, I.Ilzina, V.Skujina. English-Latvian-Russian
Informatics Dictionary. Riga.: Avots, 2001., 660 pp.
- J.Borzovs, I.Ilzina, V.Skujina, I.Vancane. Systemic development of Latvian computer
terminology (in Latvian).Proc. of Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001.,
vol. 55, no. 1/2, pp. 83-91.
- J.Borzovs. ICTE in Latvia: What is going on? Proc. 5th Intern. Baltic
Conference, BalticDB&IS, Tallinn, 2002, pp. 71-86.
- J.Borzovs, I.Ilzina. The Main Guidelines of Creating IT&T Terminology.
Abstracts of 2nd Intern. Conf. on Terminology Terminology and Technology
Transfer in the Multilingual Information Society in commemoration of E.Drezens
110th anniversary, Riga, 2002, pp. 15-17.
- J.Borzovs, I.Ilzina, I.Vancane. The Main Guidelines of Creating IT&T
Terminology. In: V.Skujina (Ed.). Terminology and Technology Transfer in the
Multilingual Information Society.Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Terminology In Commemoration of E.Drezens 110th
Anniversary, Riga, 2002, pp. 25-32.Termnet Publisher, Vienna-Riga.
- J.Borzovs, I.Ilzina. About the Challenges of Coining ICT Terms.
Tarptautines mokslines konferencijos praneimu tezes Terminologija III
tukstanmecio pradioje, Lietuviu Kalbos institutes, Vilnius, 2003, pp. 14-20.
- D.Smite, J.Borzovs. Global Software Development Process Management: Problem
Statement. In: R.Freivalds (Ed.) Databases and Information Systems. Doctoral
Consortium. 6th International Baltic Conference BalticDB&IS, 2004, pp.
- F.Jelisejevs, R.Lazdin, R.Samofals, J.Borzovs. Real ROI of Testing Tools - Case
Study.6th ICSTEST conference proceedings, Duesseldorf, 2005, 2 p.+17
- G.Arnicans, J.Bicevskis, J.Borzovs, A.Galvans, M.Gills, L.Zoka. The Right Tester for
Each Customer. 6th ICSTEST conference proceedings, Duesseldorf, 2005,
2 p.+29 slides.
- D.Reizniece, J.Silis, I.Ilzina, J.Borzovs. To Use or not to Use Metaphors in Latvian
ICT Terminology. In: Pabaltijo tautu terminologijos problemos ir Europos
Sajunga, Lietuvju Kalbos Instituto Leidykla, Vilnius, 2006, 108-121.
- A.Vasiljevs, J.Borzovs, R.Skadin, A.Liedskalnin. Development of Web-Based
Terminology Database for new EU Member Countries Problems and Opportunities.In:
Databases and Information Systems. Seventh International Baltic Conference on
Databases and Information Systems. Communications, Materials of Doctoral Consortium.
O.Vasilecas, J.Eder, A.Caplinskas (Eds.). Vilnius, Technika, 2006, pp.
- A.Jansone, J.Borzovs. An Approach to Geographical Data Quality Evaluation._ In:
2006 Seventh International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems.
Proceedings. IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1364. Vilnius, 2006, pp.125-131.
- D.mite, J.Borzovs. A Framework for Overcoming Supplier Related Threats in
Global Projects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Software Process
Improvement, Vol. 4257/2006, pp. 50-61.
- J.Borzovs, I.Ilzina, V.Skujina, A.Vasiljevs. Terminology Standards in the Aspect of
Harmonization for International Term Database. In: Abstracts of
International Scientific Conference Terminology of National Languages and
Globalization, Lietuviu Kalbos institutas, Vilnius, 2006, pp. 11-13
- A.Auksoriute, I.Belogrivs, A.Bieleviciene, A.Blaudums, J.Bordans, T.Borkowski,
J.Borzovs, A.Braasch, E.Cauna, A.Dravniece, N.Dudlauskiene, C.Galinski, L.Henriksen, H.-J.
Kaalep, A.Kalnin, D.Kierzkowska, H.Kilgi, B.Kis, A.Liedskalnin, B.Maegaard,
A.Mitkeviciene, S.Olsen, C.Povlsen, U.Priede, G.Proszeky, I.Puksts, M.Raguz, I.Raupach,
R.Salupere, K.-D.Schmitz, K.Siwek, R.Skadin, V.Skujina, R.Stuninas, G.Tardy,
A.Uritam, A.Vasiljevs, J.Zabielaite. Towards Consolidation of European Terminology
Resources: Experience and Recommendations from EuroTermBank Project. Riga, 2006,
118 pp
- D.Smite, J.Borzovs. Managing Uncertainty in Globally Distributed Software Development
Projects. Scientific Papers, University of Latvia, vol. 733, Computer
Science and Information Technologies (ISSSN 1407-2157), 2008, pp. 9-23
- A.Jansone, J.Borzovs. An Approach to Cadastral Map Quality Evaluation in the Republic of
Latvia. - Scientific Papers, University of Latvia, vol. 733, Computer Science
and Information Technologies (ISSSN 1407-2157), 2008, pp. 261-288
- J.Borzovs, I.I.Ilzina. Problems of Latvian ICT terms and English borrowings. Tarptautines
mokslines konf. Leksikologija ir terminologija: teorija, praktika, istorija,
Lietuvos Kalbos institutes, Vilnius, 2008, pp. 11-12.
- D.Dosbergs, J.Borzovs. Criteria identification for study programme quality
assessment and ranking. In: Trends in Quality Assurance: A Selection of Papers
from the 3rd European Quality Assurance Forum. Budapest, 2009, pp.56-61
- D.Smite, J.Borzovs.New Forms of Work in the Light of Globalization in Software
Development.In: Infonomics for Distributed Business and Decision-Making
Environments: Creating Information System Ecology (M.Pankowska, ed.).Business
Science Reference, 2010, pp.277-287
- D.Dosbergs, J.Borzovs.Concept classification for study programs quality evaluation.
CSEDU 2010-2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education,
Proceedings 2, Valencia, 2010, pp. 441-445. ISBN: 978-989674023-8
- J.Borzovs.I.I.Ilzina. The Problems of Latvian ICT Terms and English Borrowings. Leksikografija
ir leksikologija 2, Lietuviu Kalbos institutas, Vilnius, 2010, pp.329-340. ISBN
- R.Balodis, J.Borzovs, I.Opmane, A.Skuja, E.Ziemele. Research Directions Profile in
Computing Museum of the Institute of mathematics and Computer Science, University of
Latvia (IMCS). History of Nordic Computing 3: IFIP Advances in Information and
Communication Technology, 2011, Springer, Volume 350/2011, 435-461, DOI:
Research Projects:
- Head of Subprogramme, Latvian
Council of Science Programme on Software Engineering,1997-
- Associate, Latvian Council of Science grant on IT terminology, 1997-2000.
- Head of Project, Review of European and the USA IT&T Related Legislation, ordered by
the Ministry of Transport, 1998.
- Head of Project, European Union Information Society Programme Office Project European
Survey of Information Society - 2, 1998-2000.
- Head of Project, Latvian Council of Science grant Information
Technology and Telecommunication: Latvian Terminology , 2001 - 2008
I am a "border person" since born I was born in ethnically mixed
family at a Soviet military base in Finland near Helsinki so I still have a right for
Russian and Finnish citizenship. Being modestly talented, I proved that also such persons
are able to earn scientific grades. In research, I work with very practical issues, but in
industry with rather theoretical ones. Although my professional background and
engagement is connected with computer programming I have done a lot in philology and
jurisprudence. Although I worked for a private body a/s Exigen Services Latvia, the
biggest East European software production company I was a director of its
subsidiary Riga Information Technology Institute, that was a private research organisation
in Latvia. I have been in policy but not at higher level. Outstanding command in Latvian,
very strong in Russian, fair in English. Communication and co-ordination skills well above
average. Hypertrophied responsibility. Career-minded. Choleric. Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator - INTJ, with clear preferences in introversion, intuition and judging. Love
dancing and philosophy. Lazy in personal everyday life.
I am convinced of developing an export-oriented global-size software development and
maintenance industry with tens of thousand employees and over ten billion dollars in
annual revenue in Latvia and in the Baltic countries.
Last update 04.04.2012