Dr.phys. Juris BLUMS asoc.prof., senior
Technical Physics Institute
Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry
Riga Technical University
Azenes iela 14/24-301
Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 29774351
Fax: +371 67089074
E-mail: blum@latnet.lv |
Born: September 18, 1968, Jurmala, Latvia
- Interaction of laser radiation and solid
- Human and ambient motion energy harvesting
- Wearable electronics system
- Microwatt power management
- Education research in physics
Main interests
I have investigated laser induced creation of electrically active centres in silicon
and germanium as well as the heterogeneous precipitation of oxygen at such centres; the
ultrafast X-ray spectrometry of melting dynamics of semiconductors under action of laser
radiation; modification of solids with laser radiation, characterisation of thin films on
textile substrates by laser radiation, creation of human motion energy harvesters and its
integration into apparel, ambient motion energy harvesting by electrodinamical and
electrostatical harvesters, elaboration of physics study materials for distance learning
and teaching.
Latvian, Russian, English, German
University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, (Diploma of
physicist, Speciality: solid-state electronics) 1992
Dr.phys.Doctoral studies at Riga Technical University, Diploma title of thesis
Laser-induces centres in silicon, 1997
Assistant, Department of Physics, Riga
Technical University, 1995 -1996
Lecturer, Department of Physics, Riga Technical University,
1996 -1997
Assistant Professor, Technical Physics Institute, Riga
Technical University, 1997 -2000
Assistant Professor, Radiation engineering physics group, Technical Physics
Institute, Riga Technical University, 2003-2004
Associate Professor, Radiation engineering physics group, Technical Physics
Institute, Riga Technical University, 2004 -
- Postdoctoral research at Tallinn Technical University (Estonia), 02.2001 08.2001
- Researcher at Institute of Experimental Physics, Essen University (Germany), 09.2001-
- Visiting professor at Oulu Technological University, Finland,11.2005.
- Visiting professor at University of Applied Sciences Berlin (Germany), 05.2012
Research projects:
- Researcher. Influence of the Laser Radiation on Silicide Layer, Metal-Semiconductor
Contacts and Buried Layer Formation., Latvian Council
of Science, 1991-1993
- Researcher.The Investigation of the Mechanism of Laser Annealing of Silicon on Isolator
(SOI) Structures, Latvian Council of Science, 1994-1996
- Researcher.Dynamics of Formation of Buried Layer and Investigation of the Centres
Generated by Laser Radiation.Latvian Council of Science,
- Researcher.Application of reflected infrared laser beam for non-contact 3D positioning,Ministry of Education and Science, 2005
- Researcher.Application of non-contact 3D positioning for anthropometrical modelling, Ministry of Education and Science, 2007.
- Head of the project.Design and development of the garment with integrated microclimate
control system Ministry of Education and Science,
- Assistant of project leader. Elaboration of the multimedia study materials for
engineering study programs, ESF project Nr.
2005/0127/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/04/APK/, 2005-2008.
- Researcher. Project to improve the quality of the RTUs engineering curriculum and
make it more accessible to the universitys regional affiliates by applying ICT
solutions ESF project Nr. 2006/0247/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/,
- Senior researcher. Establishment of interdisciplinary research groups for a new
functional properties of smart textiles development and integrating in innovative
products, ESF project Nr. 2009/0198/1DP/,2009-2012.
Physics, 1992-
Introductory Physics for Foreign Students, 1997-
Physics for Foreign Students, 1997-
Physical Bases of Modern Technologies, 1999
Duel-use commodities, 2004-
Introduction in Physics, 2009-
Smart nanostructured materials, 2010-
K-Sokolowski-Tinten,Ch.Blome, J.Blums, A.Cavalleri, C.Dietrich, A.Tarasevitch,
I.Uschmann, E.Förster, M.Kammler, M.Horn-von-Hoegen, D. Von der Linde. Femtosecond X-ray
measurement of coherent lattice vibrations near the Lindemann stability limit, NATURE,
vol.422, pp. 287-289 (2003).
- K. Sokolowski-Tinten, C. Blome, J. Blums, U. Shymanovich, M. Nicoul, A. Cavalleri, A.
Tarasevitch, M. Horn-von-Hoegen, M. Kammler , D. von der Linde. Ultrafast X-Ray
Diffraction,in: Ultrafast Phenomena XIV, ed. by T. Kobayashi, Springer Series in
Chemical Physics 79, pp.170-174 (Springer, Heidelberg, 2005).
- U.Shymanovich, M. Nicoul, J. Blums, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, A. Tarasevitch, T. Wietler, M.
Horn von Hoegen, D. von der Linde.Diffraction of strongly convergent X-rays from
picosecond acoustic transients Appl.
Phys. A 87, pp. 711 (2007)
- Sokolowski-Tinten, U. Shymanovich, M. Nicoul, J. Blums, A. Tarasevitch, M.
Horn-von-Hoegen, and D. von der Linde, Ultrafast Phenomena XV, ed. by A. M. Weiner and R.
J. D. Miller. Energy relaxation and anomalies in the thermo-acoustic response of
femtosecond laser-excited Germanium, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 88, pp.
597-599,(Springer, Heidelberg, 2007).
- J.Blums, A.Bluma, M.Jansone, I.Klemenoks, I.Klincare, B.uga, and M.Knite.
Elaboration of multimedia study materials in physics at Riga Technical University, Europhysics
conference abstracts, vol. 29G, ISBN 2-914771-28-2, ed. R.M.Pick
- D. Abolina, A. Vilumsone, J. Blums, Investigation of Textile Materials for Laser Light
Beam Scanning, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 222,2011, pp. 40-43.
- I.Sahta, I. Baltina and J. Blums, Development of Microclimate Regulatory Clothes, Advanced
Materials Research Vol. 222, 2011, pp. 193-196
- Sahta I., Baltina I., Blums J. The Garment with Integrated Microclimate Control System.
In: Acoustic Space, Energy. Nr. 8., 2011, pp 166-171. ISSN 1407-2858.
- J.Blums,G.Terlecka, A.Vilumsone. The Electrodynamics Human Motion Energy Converter with
Planar Structure. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 222, 2011,pp. 36-39
- Latvian patent Nr. 13779,J. Blums, A.Kataevs,O. Kudrjaovs. Method of
reflected infrared laser beam usage for non-contact 3D positioning
- Latvian patent Nr. 13918. J.Blums, I.Gornevs, V.Jurkans, I.Baltina. Microclimate
control system and the method of temperature recontrol in it.
- Latvian patent Nr. 14168. J.Blums. Electromechanical generator.
I.Klemenoks, M.Jansone, I.Klincare, J.Blums, A.Bluma, M.Knite. Physics III, Wave
Optics, 2007, Riga:RTU,174 pp. (in Latvian)
- Control of Dual-Use Goods. Ed. by. A.Salmins and A.Krastins, Riga 2007, 256
- I.Klemenoks, M.Jansone, I.Klincare, J.Blums, A.Bluma, M.Knite.Physics I, Fundamentals of
Mechanics. Fundamentals of Molecularphysics and Thermodynamics, 2006, Riga: RTU,
201 pp. (in Latvian)
- J.Blums, M.Jansone, A.Kalnaca, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks, M.Knite, A.Krivics, V.Novikovs,
A.Medvids, A.Ozols.Collected Problems of General Physics, Riga: RTU ,2006, 274 pp.(in
- Technical Identification of Goods, in Dual-use strategical goods and its control, Ed.
by A.Krastins and A.Salmins, ISBN 9984-32-044-8, Riga, 2004.pp. 148.-173.
- J.Blums.Physics, topics of lectures, RTU, 2004.
- M.Jansone, A.Kalnaca, J.Blums, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks, A.Medvids, M.Knite. Collected
Problems of General Physics, Riga: RTU ,2000, 247 pp. (in Latvian)
Last update 9.10.2012