Dr.agr. Peteris BERZINS
Head of the Department of Plant Breeding,
Skriveri Research Centre
Latvia University of AgricultureSkriveri 1, Aizkraukle
district, LV 5126
Phone: +371 51-97524
Fax: +371 51-97512 |
Born: February 27, 1938, Limbazi district, Latvia
- Plant Genetics
- Forage Crop Breeding
- Planing of Field Experiments and Data Analysis
Languages: German, Latvian, Russian.
- Latvia University of Agriculture, 1962
- Dr.agr. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western
countries), Latvia University of Agriculture, 1971
- Researcher, Department of Grasslands, State Research Institute of Agriculture, 1965-1974
- Researcher, Department of Plant Breeding, State Research Institute of Agriculture,
- Head of Department of Plant Breeding, State Research Institute of Agriculture, 1995-1997
- Head of Department of Plant Breeding, Skriveri Research Centre, Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1998-2001
Honours and Awards
- State Emerritus Scientist, 2005
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert
Committee for Agricultural Sciences, 1999 -
- Member of Latvian Society of Genetics and Breeders
Recent/Representative Publications
- P.Berzins. Peculiarity of carrying out field trials in downy relief. - In: Rational
Utilisation of the Land and Protection against Erosion, Riga: Zinatne, 1974, pp.75-82
(in Russian).
- P.Berzins. Utilisation of the variation analysis in analysing of field trial series.-
In: Improvement and Rational Utilisation of the Grasslands, Riga: Zinatne, 1976,
pp.133-143 (in Russian).
- P.Berzins. Experience of the crossing Lolium x Festuca.- In: Breeding and Genetic
Research of the Forage Crops, Petrozavodsk: Karelian branch of the USSR Academy of
Sciences, 1980, pp.90-95. (in Russian).
- P.Berzins, S.Í'Kipare. Heritability and correlation of the characteristics of forage
grasses (perennial ryegrass and meadow fescue) . In: Research in the Genetics and
Breeding in Latvian SSR , Riga: LSSR Academy of Sciences, 1981, pp.31-33. (in
- I.Krumins, P.Berzins, E.Bunga. Crop overwintering problems in Latvia. - The
Overwintering of Agricultural Crops, Theories and Test Methods. NJF - Meeting Nr. 221,
10-12 May 1993, Umea, Sweden,. 4 pp.
- P.Berzins, S. Bumane. Hybrid of Festuca gigantea x Festuca arundinacea. - Plant
Breeding: Theories, Achievements and Problems. Proceedings of the International
Conference. Dotnuva-Akademija, Lithuania 14-16 July, 1997, pp. 110 - 111.
- P.Berzins, I.Rasals. Potential of wild Latvian Grasses for breeding. - Botanica
Lithuanica, 1999, Supl.2, pp. 163-166.
- P.Berzins, A.Antonijs, J.Rumpans. Efficiency of mineral fertilisers in perennial grass
sward. - Proceedings in Agronomy, Jelgava, 1999, N 1, pp. 24-29 (in Latvian).
- P.Berzins. Interspecific hybrids of forage grasses. - Proceedings in Agronomy,
Jelgava, 2000, N 2, pp. 80-82 (in Latvian).
- S.Bumane, P.Berzins, R.H.Leep, T.Dietz. The effect of nitrogen use on perennial ryegrass
seed yield and forage quality parametrs. - Latvijas Lauksaimniecibas Universitate.
Raksti , 2004, Nr.10 (305), Jelgava, pp. 13-18.
- Authorship of cultivars: perennial ryegrass Spidola, meadow fescue
Patra, festulolium Ape.
Research Projects
- P.Berzins. Scientific Substantiation of Agricultural Development in Latvia (1997-2000).
- P.Berzins (Head of Project). Creating of Crop Varieties for the Latvian Agronomic and
Climatic Conditions and Their Maintenance Breeding.
- P.Berzins (Head of Project). Breeding of Forage Grasses and Legumes.
Last update 25.08.2005