Professor Viesturs BAUMANIS
Biomedical Research and Study Centre,
University of Latvia Ratsupites iela 1
Riga, LV 1067
Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia
Phone: + 371 7808219
Fax: + 371 7442407
E-mail: viesturs@biomed.lu.lv |
Born: September 19, 1942, Riga, Latvia
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian
- Molecular Diagnosis of Inherited Diseases (1996 - )
- Molecular Diagnosis of Some Infectious Diseases (1997 - )
- Recombinant Interleukine-2, Atrial Natriuretic Factor , Biotechnology,
Immunoanalysis, Physiology (1987-1996)
- Metabolism of Polyols and Glycols (1966-1969)
- Molecular Biology of Bacteriophages (1969-1977; 1987- )
- Biochemistry of Myocardium (1977-1987)
- Medical Academy of Latvia (Faculty of Medicine), 1966
- Dr.biol. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Medical Academy of Latvia, 1971
- Researcher, Institute of Organic Synthesis, 1969-1977
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1977-1987
- Researcher, Head of Research Group, Head of Laboratory, Biomedical Research and Study
Centre, University of Latvia, 1987-
- Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of
Latvia, 1999 -2002
- Chair, Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia, 2001 -
- Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia,
2002 -
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Scientific Council, Biomedical Research and Study Centre, 1990 -
- Head of Scientific Council, Biomedical Research and Study Centre, 2002 -
- Member of Scientific Council, University of Latvia, 1999 -
- Member of Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission for Biotechnology, Microbiology,
Molecular Biology and Virology, 1999 -
- Member of the Editorial Board, Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Member of Latvian Biochemical Society, 1966 -
- President of Latvian Biochemical Society, 1993-
Several lectures have been red at international FEBS (Federation of European
Biochemical Societies) advanced training courses and UNESCO ICRO training courses
- Biochemistry, University of Latvia, 1966 -
- Biotechnology of Recombinant Proteins, University of Latvia, 1966 -
Recent / Representative Publications
- V.Berzin, I.Jansone, A.Skangals, P.Kalnins, S.Liepa, V.Baumanis. High level expression
of a-human atrial natriuretic factor as a fusion polypeptide with phage fr coat protein in
Escherichia coli. - Journal of Biotechnology, 1993, vol.30, pp. 231-243.
- T.Kozlovskaya, I.Cielens, D.Dreilina, A.Dishlers, V.Baumanis, V.Ose, P.Pumpens.
Recombinant RNA phage Qb capsid particles synthesized as self assembled in Escherichia
coli cells. - Gene, 1993, vol.137, pp.133-137.
- V.Baumanis, I.Jansone, N.Mishlakova, I.Sietinsone, S.Liepa, D.Meness, D.Klavina,
V.Berzins. Biological activity of recombinant a-human atrial natriuretic factor and its
synthetic precursor phage fr coat a-ANF fusion protein (CP/ANF).- Proceedings of
the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Part B,1993, Nr.5, pp.68-71.
- V.Berzins, V.Baumanis, A.Skangals, I.Mandrika, I.Jansone. Isolation of a-human atrial
natriuretic factor (a-ANF) from recombinant fusion protein. - Separations for
Biotechnology 3, SCI, Cambridge, 1994, pp.73-78.
- V.Berzins, I.Janson, V.Baumanis, A.Skangals, T.Kozlovska, P.Pusko, E.Grens.
Manufacturing method by bioengineering technology for producing human alpha natriuretic
peptide. - Korean Patent, Nr. 95. 25099, 1996
- I.Mandrika, V.Baumanis, I.Jansone, A.Skangals, V.Berzins. Develpoment of immunoenzymatic
reactions of peptides using recombinant hybrid proteins. - Biochemistry ( Moscow),
1997, vol.62, pp.245-249.
- V.Baumanis, I.Jansone, A.Skangals, I.Mandrika, V.Berzins. Synthesis of recombinant
a-human atrial natriuretic peptide using hybrid fusion protein phage fr coat/ANP. - Peptides,
1997, vol.18, pp.1229-1235.
- A.Krumina, V.Kroshkina, M.Lazdins, V.Baumanis. Analysis of RsaI polymorphism in the gene
HLA-H of haemochromatosis in the Latvian population. - European Journal of Human
Genetics, 1998, vol.6, suppl.1, p.104.
- A.Krumina, V.Kroshkina, V.Svale, Z.Krumina, M.Lazdins, V.Baumanis. Cystic fibrosis and
CFTR gene mutations in Latvia. - European Commission Concerted Action on Cystic
Fibrosis Newsletter, 1998, vol.3, Nr.8, pp.14-15.
- J.Leimans, V.Baumanis, O.Marga, I.Jansone, I.Mandrika, L.Broka. Molecular diagnosis of
tuberculosis in Latvia. - International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,1998,
vol.2, pp.389-390.
- V.Baumanis, I.Jansone, O.Marga, L.Broka, T.Pancuka, I.Mandrika. Evaluation of two
amplification technologies for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. - Biochemie,
1999, vol.81, pp.396-397.
- T.Pancuka, V.Baumanis, I.Jansone, O.Marga, L.Broka. Diagnostics of rifampicin resistant
forms of tuberculosis in Latvia by amplification methods. - In: Genodiagnostics in
Modern Medicine, 2000, Moscow: Venera-Press, pp. 286-287 (in Russian).
- A.Krumina, V.Kroskina, J.Keiss, V.Baumanis. Hereditary haemochromatosis mutatioms in
Latvia. - Eur. J. Human Genetics, 2000, vol. 8, pp. 118-119.
- I.Pole, I.Jansone, L.Broka, A.Puzuka, T.Panchuka, O.Marga, V.Baumanis. Molecular
epidemiology of tuberculosis in Latvia. - International Journal of Tuberculosis and
Lung Disease, 2001, vol. 5, N11, pp.140-141.
- V.Baumanis, J.Klovins, R. Ranka, et al. Incidence of Borrelia Bugdorferi infected ticks
in Latvia. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., B, 2001, N 4, pp. 21-29.
- T.Tracevska, V.Baumanis, I.Jansone, L.Broka, O.Marga. Evaluation of gene mutations
leading to drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Latvia. - J.
Clinical Microbiology, 2002, vol. 40, pp. 3789-3792.
- T.Tracevska, V.Baumanis, I.Jansone, L.Broka, O.Marga, T.Lillebaek. Prevalence of beijing
genotype in Latvian multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates. - Int.
J. Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2003, vol. 7, IJTLD-11-02-0467(in
- N. Pronina, L. Pliss, M. Lazdins, V. Baumanis, A. Krumina. The
mitochondrial genome and human population studies. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., vol.
57(6): p. 199-208.
- T.Trcevska, I.Jansone, V. Baumanis, A.Nodieva, O.Marga,
G.Skenders. Spectrum of pncA mutations in multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium
tuberculosis isolates obtained in Latvia. - Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 2004,
vol. 48, N 8, pp. 3209-3210.
- L. Pliss, K. Tambets, E.-L. Loogvali, N. Pronina, M. Lazdins,
A. Krumina, V. Baumanis, R. Villems. Mitochondrial DNA portrait of : towards
the understanding of the genetic structure of Baltic-speaking populations. - Ann.
Human Genetics, 2006, 70 (pt 4), pp. 439-458.
Research Projects
- V.Baumanis. (Head of the Latvian part of Project). Detection, Identification and Typing
of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in the Baltic countries. EC INCO-Copernicus (97-3169)
- V.Baumanis. (Head of the Project). Genetic Aspects of Regulation of Water-Salt
Metabolism. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2001).
- V.Baumanis. (Head of the Project). Molecular Genetics of Borrelia species and Borrelia
bugdorferi types in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2002-2004 ).
- V.Baumanis. (Head of the Project). Molecular Genetics of Causativa Agents of Tick Born
Diseases - Erlichiosis, Lyme Borreliosis and Encephalytis in Latvia. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
- V.Baumanis. Supervisor of the Latvian Program "Development of Molecular Methods for
Detection of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Mycobacteria".
- V.Baumanis. Supervisor of the Latvian Program " Early Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
Pathogen Borrelia Bugdorferi".
Last update 12.04.2007