Dr.chem. Bruno Andersons
Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Wood Chemistry
Head of the Laboratory of Wood Protection and Emission from Wood Based Products
Latvian State Institute of Wood ChemistryDzerbenes iela 27
Riga, LV 1006, Latvia
Phone: +371 67552554
Fax: +371 67550635
E-mail: brunoan@edi.lv |
Born: July 22, 1951, Riga.
- Wood chemistry
- Wood biodegradation and its prevention by environment-friendly preparation and
modification methods
- Mechanisms of interaction of wood preservatives with wood components
- Environmental optimisation of wood protection
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- Riga Politechnical Institute (Faculty of Chemistry), 1974
- Dr.chem
. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Institute of Wood Chemistry, Riga, Latvia, 1987.
- Engineer and Researcher, Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Senior Researcher, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, 1991 - 1993
- Head of the Laboratory of Wood Protection and Emission from Wood Based Products, 1994 -
- Visiting Researcher, Federal Research Centre of Forestry and Forest Products, Germany,
1994 and 1998
- Chairman of the Scientific Council, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, 2000 -
Honours & Awards
Fellowships, Memberships of Professional Societies
- Member of the International Lignin Institute, Switzerland, 1993
- Member of Forest Products Society, USA, 1997
- Member of Wood Research Society, Germany, 1998
- Member of the Experts Committee of Latvian Council of
Science, 1999
- Member of European Confederation of Woodworking Industries, Brussels, 1999
- Member of INTAS General Assembly, Brussels, 1999
- Member of the Technical Committee of the Wood Standardization, Latvia, 1999
- Member of the COST Management Committee, Action E22, Brussels, 2000
Research Projects
- B.Andersons (Manager of the international project). Improvement of Quality Systems and
Establishment of Accredited Testing Laboratory in Latvia. Financed by the German
Government (1994 - 1996)
- B.Andersons (Head of Project). Biologically Active Natural Substances and Unconventional
Methods for Providing Wood Durability. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2004)
- B.Andersons (Head of Project). Degradation Mechanism of Chemical Composition and
Structure of Natural and Modified Lignicellulosic Materials with Different Type of
Microorganisms. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004)
- B.Andersons (Programme Director). Innovative Technologies of Wood Processing Products. Latvian
Council of Science (2002 2005)
- B.Andersons (Head of Project).Studies of wood biodegradation mechanisms
for control of degradation processes by environmentally friendly wood preservatives and
methods. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - 2008).
- B.Andersons (Head of Project).Utilization of impregnated wood for
obtaining of novel products. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - 2008).
Selected Papers
- B. Andersons
, J. Gravitis, R. Teeäär, U. Kallavus. Properties of dehydropolymers
and lignins in solid state. - Mitteilungen der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und
Holzwirstschaft, 1991, N 168, pp. 313 319
- Gravitis J., Andersone I., Teeäär R., Andersons B. Interaction of Chromium (VI)
Ions with Cellulose and Wood - Koksnes Kim. (Wood Chemistry), 1994, N 4, pp. 66 -
- Gravitis J., Kokorevics A., Andersons B., Kallavus U., Teeäär R. 1995. A New
General Model of Wood Cell Wall Substance, Developed on the Bases of Recent Experimental
and Theoretical Studies - The 8th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping
Chemistry. June 6-9, 1995, Helsinki, Finland. Proceedings, vol. 1, pp. 93 - 100.
- Faix O., Andersons B., Argyropoulos D.S., Robert D. Quantitative Determination of
Hydroxyl and Carbonyl Groups of Lignin - an Overview. - Proc. 8th International
Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry. June 6-9, 1995, Helsinki, Finland, 1995, vol.
1, pp. 559 - 566.
- Andersone I., Gravitis J., Zakis G., Druz N., Chirkova E., Bikovens O., Andersons B.
Lignin and Its Modifications as Sorbents - Proc. Fourth European Workshop on
Lignocellulosics and Pulp. Advances in Characterization and Processing of Wood, Non-Woody
and Secondary Fibers. Stresa, Italy, September 8-11, 1996, pp. 501-505.
- Andersons B.,
Tschirkova H., Druse N., Irbe I., Andersone I., Kallavus U., Zhurins
A. Zur Erarbeitung der umweltfreundlichen Holzschutzmitteln. - 27.Jahrestagung der GUS
Umwelteinflüsse erfassen, simulieren, bewerten, 18.-20.März 1998,
Karlsruhe, 14-15 (ISBN 3-9806167-0-3).
- Faix O., Andersons B., Zakis G. Determination of carbonyl groups of six round
robin lignins by modified oximation and FTIR spectroscopy. - Holzforschung, 1998,
vol.52, N 3, pp.268-274.
- Andersone I., Andersons B., Chirkova E., Kallavus U., Teeaar R., Druz N., Irbe I.
Investigations of the structure, composition and sorption properties of alder (Alnus)
wood. - Proc. of 5th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp.
EWLP98, Aug 30- Sept 2, Univers. Aveiro, Portugal, 41 - 44 (ISBN: 972-8021-66).
- Andersons B., Andersone I., Druz N., Chirkova E. The investigations of chromium free
wood preservatives fixation. 13th Int. Cong. of Chem. and Process Eng.
CHISA98, Aug 23-28, 1998, Praha, Czech Republik, Conf. Proc. on CDROM (full
text), P3-146, 1-17 (220ISBN: 80-86059-26-X).
- B. Andersons, J. Chirkova, I. Andersone, O. Faix Sorption of Water vapours on six round
robin lignins.- 10th Int.Sysmposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, June
7-10, 1999, Yokohama, Japan, p.p. 202 205.
- J. Chirkova, B. Andersons, N. Druz., I. Andersone. Adsorption purification of indoor
air, mainly from formaldehyde. - Proc. 8th Int. Conference on Indoor Air
Quality and Climate,Indoor Air 99, 8-13 August 1999, Edinburg, Scotland,
vol. 2, pp.710 715 ((ISBN 1 86081 296 1).
- I. Irbe, I. Andersone, B. Andersons. Distribution of the true rot fungus Serpula
lacrymans in Latvia. - Filia Cryptogamica Estonia (FCE),1999, pp. 52 55
(ISBN 9985-50266-3).
- Andersone, N. Kurnosova, J. Chirkova, B. Andersons. Prevention of the ageing of wood
materials: factors, affecting interaction between chromium compounds and wood. - Proc.
6th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, September 3 6,
2000, Bordeaux, France, pp. 175 178.
- B.Andersons
, I.Andersone, I.Irbe, A.Zhurins, N.Kurnosova (2000). Chromium free wood
preservatives from plant oils: problems and solutions. - XX Symposium of Wood
Protection, 12-14 September 2000, Rogow, Poland, pp. 87 92.
- J. Chirkova, B. Andersons, I. Andersone (2000). On the specific mass of the
cellulose - water system. - In: Cellulosic Pulps, Fibres and Materials. Ed. J. F.
Kennedy, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2000, pp. 45 - 51 (ISBN 185573 4214).
- Druz N., Andersone I., Andersons B. Interaction of copper-containing
preservatives with wood. 1. Mechanism of the interaction of copper with cellulose.- Holzforschung,
2001, Bd. 55, S. 13-15.
- I. Irbe, I. Andersone, B. Andersons. Distribution of the true dry rot fungus
Serpula lacrymans in Latvia. - Folia Cryptogr, Estonica, 2001, Fasc. 38, pp.
- I. Irbe, I. Andersone, B. Andersons, J, Chirkova. Use of 13C NMR,
sorption and chemical analyses for characteristics of brown-rotted Scots pine. - International
Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2001, vol. 47, pp. 37 - 45.
- B. Andersons
, K. Rocens, I. Andersone, E. Chirkova, N. Kurnosova. - Proc. 7th
International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and
Techniques", Vilnius, Lithuania, May 17-19, 2001,CD, 4 p.
- D. Meier, B. Andersons, I. Irbe, J. Tshirkova, O. Faix. Preliminary study on
fungicide and sorption effects of fast pyrolysis liquids used as wood preservative.- Progress
in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, 17-22 Sept. 2000, Tyrol, Austria, ed. by
A.V. Bridgwater, Blackwell Sciences, 2001, pp. 1550 1563.
- J.Chirkova, B.Andersons, I.Andersone, I.Irbe, J.Gravitis. Investigation of the structure
of lignocellulose materials by the water vapours sorption method. - Post-Symposium
Workshop of the 11th Int. Symp.on Wood and Pulping Chemistry (ISWPC), France,
Grenoble, June 18-19, 2001, pp. 123-125.
- J.Chirkova, B.Andersons, I.Andersone, N.Kurnosova. Comparison of the hydrophilic
properties of cellulose and lignin. - Proc. 7th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics
and Pulp, Turku, Finnland, pp. 173-176.
- B.Andersons. Problems of the biodegradation of the cultural heritage in Latvia. - Workshop
ARIADNE "Biodegradation of Cultural Heritage" , 2001, Prague, Czech
republik, 5 pp.
- J.Chirkova, B.Andersons, I.Andersone. Determination of standard isotherms of some
vapours sorption by cellulose. - J.Colloid Interface Sci., 2004, vol. 276, pp.
- J.Chirkova, B.Andersons, I.Andersone. Microstructure of moist cellulose. - Proc. 8th
European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, August 22-25, 2004, Riga,
Latvia, pp. 368-372.
- A.Morozovs, I.Irbe, B.Andersons. Hydrophobic properties and biological resistance
of modified wood. - Proc. 8th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp,
August 22-25, 2004, Riga, Latvia, pp. 469-472.
- B.Andersons. Novel agents for improvement of wood durability. - Latvian J. Chem.,
2006, N 2, p. 103-114.
- B.Andersons. Problems of the biodegradation of the cultural heritage in Latvia. - In:
European Research on Cultural Heritage, State-of-the-Art Studies (Ed. M.Drdacky),
2006, vol.2, p. 473-476.
- I.Irbe, B.Andersons, J.Chirkova, U.Kallavus, O.Faix. On the changes of pinewood (Pinus
sivestris) chemical cpomposition and ultrastructure during the attack by brown-rot
fungi Postia placenta and Coniophora puteana. - J. Internat.
Biodeterioration &Biodegradation, 2006, vol. 57, pp. 99-106.
- J.Chirkova, I.Irbe, B.Andersons, I.Andersone. Study of the structure of biodegraded wood
using the water vapours sorption method . - J. Internat. Biodeterioration
&Biodegradation, 2006, vol. 58, pp.172 -167.
- B.Andersons, I.Andersone, J.Chirkova, E. Sutti, D.Jones. Changes in the wood cell wall
microstructure as a result of modification processes. -In: The 3rd European Conf. on
Wood Modification [ECWM3], Oct 15-16, 2007, Cardiff, UK, pp. 393-400.
- V.Biziks, B.Andersons, N.Kurnosova, J.Chirkova. Utilization of impregnated waste wood
for carbon sorbents production. - Proc. 3rd Meeting of the Nordic Baltic Network in Wood
Material Science and Engineerig(WSE), Oct 29-30, Helsinki, Finland, 2007, pp. 83-89.
Last update 25.02.2008