Latvijas Universitātes Fizikas un matemātikas fakultāte Fizikas nodaļa, Eksperimentālās fizikas katedra Katedras vadītājs, profesors Latvijas Universitātes rektors
Kvantu mehānikas rezultātu uzskatāma interpretācija
Latvijas Universitāte (Fizikas un matemātikas fakultāte specialitātē fizika), 1974–1979
Pēcdoktora studijas: Pekinas Universitātē, Ķīnas Tautas Republika (1986–1987), Rietumu Ontārio Universitātē, Kanāda (1988)
Akadēmiskie nosaukumi un zinātniskie grādi
Fizikas un matemātikas zinātņu kandidāts, Ļeņingradas Valsts universitāte, 1986
Docenta nosaukums, PSRS VAK, 1986
Fizikas doktors Dr phys. – nostrificēts, Latvijas Universitāte, 1992
Latvijas Universitātes docents, 1992
Habilitētais fizikas doktors Dr.habil.phys., Latvijas Universitāte, 1995
Profesora nosaukums, Latvijas Universitāte, 1997
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas īstenais loceklis, 1998
Darba gaitas:
Laborants, inženieris, lektors, docents (1975-1995), Eksperimentālās fizikas katedras vadītājs (kopš 1994), profesors (kopš 1995), Fizikas nodaļas vadītājs (1997-2002), Atomfizikas un spektroskopijas institūta direktors (1998–2003), Fakultātes dekāns (2002-2007), Latvijas Universitāte, Fizikas un matemātikas fakultātē
Latvijas Universitātes Senāta priekšsēdētājs, 1998–2007
Latvijas Universitātes rektors, kopš 2007
Karaliskās biedrības viesprofesors, Saseksas Universitāte, Lielbritānija, 1996
Viespētnieks starptautiskā pētījumu programmā Orientētu molekulu mijiedarbība, Bīlefelde, Vācija, 1996–1997
Viesprofesors, Oklahomas Universitāte, ASV, 1998
Millera viesprofesors Kalifornijas Universitātē, Berklija, ASV, 2005
Zinātniski-organizatoriskā darbība un dalība profesionālas institūcijās:
Eiropas fizikas biedrības (European Physical Society) Izpildkomitejas loceklis
Amerikas fizikas biedrības (American Physics Society) biedrs
Apvienotās Karalistes Fizikas institūta (Institute of Physics – Fizikas biedrības) biedrs
World Federation of Physics Competitions Latvijas pārstāvis
International Physics Olympiads valdes loceklis
European Physics Education Network–EUPEN (Socrates Network) padomes loceklis 1993–2003
Contact Group of Nordic–Baltic Physical Societies loceklis
European Physics Education Network eksperts
Campus Europae – direktoru padomes loceklis
UNESCO Nacionālā komitejas loceklis, zinātnes apakškomitejas vadītājs
LR Stratēģiskās analīzes komisijas loceklis
Latvijas Fizikas Biedrības loceklis
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Senāta loceklis, 2001-
Žurnāla Terra redkolēģijas loceklis
ŽurnālaCentral European Journal of Physics redaktors
100 Latvijas sievietes kultūrā un politikā,redakcijas kolēģijas loceklis
Latvijas Zinātnes Padomes loceklis
Latvijas Universitātes Fizikas Profesoru padomes priekšsēdētājs
Latvijas Universitātes Senāta un Promocijas padomes loceklis
Fizikas, astronomijas un mehānikas doktora studiju programmas direktors
Hanle Prize, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Vācija, 1992
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Lielā medaļa par izcilu ieguldījumu koherento procesu izpētē atomu un molekulu fizikā, 2010
Studiju kursi: Fizikas bakalaura programma:
Kvantu fizika
Atomi ārējos laukos
Mūsdienu kvantu fizikas problēmas
Kvantu fizikas paradoksi
Eksperimentālo datu statistiskā apstrāde
Publikācijas: vairāk nekā 200 zinātnisku publikāciju, 3 monogrāfiju autors
M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber. Optical Polarization of Molecules. 1995, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 306 p.; second ed. 2005, 322 p.
M.Auzinsh, D.Budker, and S.M.Rochester. Optically polarized atoms: understanding light-atom interaction.s Oxford University Press, 2010, 380 p.
Nozīmīgākās publikācijas:
M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, L. Kalvans, A. Papoyan, D. Sarkisyan; Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of 85Rb and 87Rb in an extremely thin cell. – Physical Review A, 2010, 81, 033408), 10 pages
M. Auzinsh, E. I. Dashevskaya, I. Litvin, E. E. Nikitin and J. Troe. Lambda-Doubling Spectroscopy in the Low-Temperature Capture of NO(X2?1/2) in Low Rotational States by C+ Ions. – The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009, 014304 (10 pages)
M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, L. Kalvans. Detailed studies of non-linear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of Rb-85 and Rb-87 for partially resolved hyperfine F-levels. – Phys. Rev. A, 2009, vol. 79, 053404
M. Auzinsh, E. I. Dashevskaya, I. Litvin, E. E. Nikitin and J. Troe. Nonadiabatic transitions between lambda-doubling states in the capture of a diatomic molecule by an ion. – J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 128, 184304 (11 pages),
V. M. Acosta, M. Auzinsh, W. Gawlik, P. Grisins, J. M. Higbie, D. F. Jackson Kimball, L. Krzemien, M. P. Ledbetter, S. Pustelny, S. M. Rochester, V. V. Yashchuk, D. Budker, Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth's magnetic field. – Optics Express, vol. 16, no 15, 21. July 2008, pp.11423–11430
M. Auzinsh, N. N. Bezuglov and K. Miculis, Manipulation of Dark States and Control of Coherent Processes with Spectrally Broad Light. – Phys. Rev. A, 053415 - 1 - 10, 2008, arXiv:0809.1211v1 [physics.atom-ph] 7 Sep 2008; included also in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science – December 2008, Volume 7, Issue 12
M.Auzinsh, K.Blushs, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, M.Tamanis.Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D states of Cs in an external electric field. – Proc. of SPIE, 2007, vol. 6604, 66040F-1-5
A.Atvars, M. Auzinsh, E.A. Gazazyan, A.V. Papoyan, S.V. Shmavonyan. Implementation of a double-scanning technique for studies of the Hanle effect in Rubidium vapor. – The European Physical Journal D, Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics, 2007, rXiv:physics/0703172v1 16 Mar 2007
Andreeva, A. Atvars, M. Auzinsh, K.Bluss, S. Cartaleva, L. Petrov, and D. Slavov. Ground-state magneto-optical resonances in Cesium vapour confined in an extremely thin cell, arXiv: 0704.3010v1 [physics.atom-ph] 23 Apr 2007. – Physical Review A, 2007, 76, 063804
M.Auzins, K.Blush, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, M.Tamanis. Electric field induced symmetry breaking of angular momentum distribution in atoms. – Physical Reviews Letters, 2006, vol. 97, 043002 (4),
E.B.Alexandrov, M.Auzinsh, D.Budker, D.F.Kimball, S.M.Rochester, V.V.Yashchuk. Dynamic effects in nonlinear magneto-optics of atoms and molecules. – J.Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2005, vol.22, No1/January, pp.7–20
M.Auzinsh. Manipulation of atoms and molecules with laser radiation and external fields. In: Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamic (Eds. A.Lagana, G.Lendvay), NATO Science Series C, New York: Kluwer, 2004, pp.447–466
D.H.Sarkisyan, V.Papoyan, T.S.Varzhapetyan, K.Blush, M.Auzinsh. Effekt Zeemana na sverhtonkoi structure atomnoi linii D1 submikronnogo sloya parov 87 Rb. – Optika I Spektroskopiya, 2004, vol. 96(2), pp.229–235,
J.Alnis, K.Blushs, M.Auzinsh, S.Kennedy, N.Shafer–Ray, E.R.I.Abraham. The Handle effect and level crossing spectroscopy in Rb vapour under strong laser excitation. – Journal of Physics. Molecular and Optical Physics, 2003, vol. 36(6), pp.1161–1173
V.Papoyan, D.H.Sarisyan, K.Blush, M.Auzinsh, D.Bloch, M.Ducloy. Magnetic field–induced mixing of hyperfine states of Cs 62P3/2 level observed with a submicron vapour cell. – Laser Physics, 2003, vol.13, No 12, pp.1467–1477.
A.V.Papoyan, M.Auzinsh, K.Bergmann. Nonlinear Handle effects in Cs vapour under strong laser excitation. – Eur.Phys. J., D, 2002, vol.21, pp.63–71
J.Alnis, M.Auzinsh. Angular Momentum spatial distribution symmetry breaking in Rb by a magnetic field. – Phys.Rev. A, 2001, vol.63, pp.023407
Brian K. Kendrick, Lalith Jayasinghe, Steven Moser, Marcis Auzinsh. Neil Shafer-Ray, Observation of predicted resonance studies in the H + D2–> HD (v’= 0, j’= 7) + D reaction at a collision energy of 0.94 eV. – Phys. Rev. Lett., 2000, vol.84, pp. 4325
Auzinsh M. The evolution and revival structure of angular momentum quantum wave packets (Tutorial). – Can.J.Phys., 1999, 77, pp.491–503
M.Auzinsh, R.Damburg. A Simple Formula for Ground State Energy of a Two–Electron Atom. – Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1999, Nr. 5, pp.16–22
O. Nikolayeva, M.Auzinsh, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber. Electric field induced alignment-orientation conversion in diatomic molecules: analysis and observation for NaK. – J. Mol. Struct., 1999, 480–481, pp.283–287
M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, R.Ferber, E.A.Pazyuk, A.V.Stolyarov, A.Zaitsevskii. NaK Lambda–doubling and permanent electric dipoles in low lying Pi states: experiment and theory. – Phys Rev. A, 1998, 58, pp.1932–1943
M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, A.V.Stolyarov, R.Ferber. NaK D singled Pi electric dipole moment measurements by Stark level crossing and e-f mixing spectroscopy. – J. Chem. Phys., 1997, vol. 106, pp.2195–2205
M.Auzinsh. Angular momentum dynamics in magnetic and electric field: classical and quantum approaches. – Canadian Journal of Physics, 1997, 75, pp.853–872
M.Auzinsh, A.V.Stolyarov, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber. Magnetic field induced alignment–orientation conversion: Non-linear energy shift and predissociation in Te_2 B 1_u state. – J. Chem. Phys., 1996, vol.105, pp.37–49
M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Emergence of circularity at linear polarized excitation of molecules. – J. Chem. Phys., 1993, vol. 99 (8), pp.5742–5747
M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. J-selective Stark orientation of molecular rotation in a beam. – Phys. Rev. Lett., 1992, vol. 69 (24), pp.3463–3466
M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Optical pumping of diatomic molecules in the electronic ground state: Classical and quantum approaches. – Phys. Rev. A, 1991, vol. 43 (5), pp.2374–2386
M.Auzinsh, K.A.Nasyrov, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber, A.M.Shalagin. Determination of the ground–state Lande factor for diatomic molecules by beat–resonance method. – Chem. Phys. Lett., 1990, vol. 167 (1,2), pp.129–135
M.Auzinsh, K.A.Nasyrov, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber, A.M.Shalagin. Resonance of quantum beats in a system of magnetic sublevels of the electronic ground state of molecules. – Sov. Phys. JETP, 1987, vol. 65 (5), pp.891–897
M.Auzinsh, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Zeeman quantum beats after optical depopulation of the ground electronic state of diatomic molecules. – Sov. Phys. JETP, 1986, vol.63 (4), pp.688–693
M.Auzinsh, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Observation of quantum beats in the kinetics of the thermalization of diatomic molecules in the ground electronic state.- JETP Lett., 1985, vol. 42 (4), pp.160–163
M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Observation of quantum–beat resonance between magnetic sublevels with delta M = 4.- JETP Lett., 1984, vol. 39 (8), pp.452–455
M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber, I.Ya.Pirags. K_2 ground–state relaxation studies from transient process kinetics. – J. Phys. B, 1983, vol. 16, pp.2759–2771
M.Auzinsh, I.Ya.Pirags, R.S.Ferber, O.A.Shmit. Direct measurements of thermalisation rate of ground state of K_2 molecules. – JETP Lett., 1980, vol. 31 (10), pp.554–557.
Starptautiski finansētu pētījumu projektu vadība vai līdzdalība to īstenošanā
Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy - Centre of Excellence for Basic Research in Nanoscale Physics and Applications. European Commission, Competitive and sustainable growth Programme (2002 – 2005) (vadītājs)
Study and application of high-order atomic and molecular polarization moments (NATO Collaborative Linkage grant with University of California, Berkeley (USA) and Jagelonian University, Krakow (Poland). (2003–2005)
COST action G7 - Advanced Artwork Restoration and Conservation Methods Using Laser Technologies (2000–2006)
State-to-state energy transfer between ultracold H2S molecules (NATO Collaborative Linkage grant with University of Oklahoma, (USA) and Israel Institute of Technology - Technion, (Israel). (2002–2004)
Sensitive detection of Chemical Agents by Laser Manipulation of Ionization in Gases - Reintegration grant for Dr. A. Ekers, NATO Collaborative programme (2004–2007)
Study of atomic vapor layers of nanometric thickness and atom-surface interaction, INTAS project for South Caucasian Republics - coordinator Prof. Stefka Cartaleva, Bulgaria (2007–2008), contract number INTAS Project: 06-1000017-9001
Development of new atomic clocks using coherent population trapping resonances excited by an optical frequency comb, INTAS project for pace Technologies with CNES (Centre National d'Etudes spatiales) and NSAU (National Space Agencee of Ukraine) - koordinators Prof. Marcis Auzinsh, Latvia (2007 - 2008), contract number INTAS Project: 06-1000024-9075
Nanosize materials for photonics and optoelectronics based on a alkali metal vapour, European Regional Development Foundation (2006–2008). Contract number VPD1/ERAF/CFLA/05/APK/2.5.1./00035/018. koordinators Prof. Marcis Auzinsh.
LZP un citu Latvijas pētījumu un projektu vadība vai līdzdalība to īstenošanā
Advanced Artwork Restoration and Conservation Methods using Laser Technology, LR Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija (2000–2006)
Latvijas Zinātnes Padomes grants. Koherenti procesi atomu un molekulu ierosmē ar lāzera starojumu (projekta vadītājs) (2005-2008)
Coherent control of molecular processes for applications in pharmaceutical and chemcal production, LR Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija (2004–2005)